Since there has been zero talk about this product on this site, I figured I would see what people think of it. The makers claim a MPG increase, lower friction, and less wear for metal to metal surfaces in an engine. Other uses include manual trans, differentrials, and pretty much anything that has a lube to reduce friction *no auto trans*.
System "48-PLUS" - Chemical Engine Therapy
They claim lab test results of over 10% gain on low MPG, but old cars.
For my own personal review, I did see a gain after I put it in my engine, but I also did wheel covers at the same time, and I can't really do ABA testing with a product like this anyway. I have used it in the past, but I wasn't looking for MPG gains, only to extend engine life and reduce oil burnning.
My dad has a few storys of this stuff that is interesting. First one the car owner used a quart of oil to go to town, then another on the way home, so it was in really sad shape. He treated the engine (mind you this is before "system 48 plus" when it was just system 48) and the car owner met back up with my dad after his first oil change. He didn't add any oil to the car, and at the time to change the oil, it was 1 quart low. So from 1 quart per say 20 miles to 3000 miles is a pretty good improvement. This was from back in the 90s, and most likely the car was large and had a V8.
My dad has also put it in cars that burned or leaked oil badly, and had no change, so this isn't a fix it all product.
The reasion I posted it here, is to see if anyone else has experence with this, since there isn't any "proof" on this site, and anyone can spoof lab results. The creator claims the product "sticks" to the high friction areas of the engine and reduces wear.
I also want to point out I have nothing to do with the company that makes the product, I'm just seeing what others think, and maybe some other's tests.