Originally Posted by Tweety
Ok, so you have some valid arguments for why you dislike the phenomenon... But still... It's not all black and white...
I dislike a lot about what you just quoted... I still see it as positive to some extent... I will not try to make you feel otherwise...
A simple question though... Do you reasearch something you support as extensively and thoughout as this before supporting? I kind of doubt it, as you would then have a pretty hard time interacting in the world, as most people have ulterior motives or hidden agenda's...
I will not forget your initial derogatory response. Therefore I decline to argue with you or answer your question.
It is my prerogative here to present documentation and information supporting a opposing position. It matters none whether there is an 'amen chorus' here eager to reply with passionate or lengthy arguments to the contrary. Refusal to engage in argument does not prove that a dissenting position is wrong or deserving of ridicule.
Just because this internationally organized, activist movement is currently popular does not mean it is worthy of acceptance, let alone universal acceptance. Persuasion is neither achieved by volume of rebuttals generated, nor length of rebuttals, nor tactics of intimidation or derision.