Just looked at it online.
* L= 4261mm
* W= 1809mm
* H= 1552mm
* L/H= 2.745
* L/W= 2.355
* Cd 0.267
* Af= 2.36 m-sq
* CdA= 0.63012 m-sq
* There's a 4-view Blueprint of it available online
* Lower rear quarters have little plan-view camber
* Beltline has healthy plan-view camber
* Roofline has healthy plan-view camber
* Tumblehome is healthy
* Tighter front wheel arch gaps might be possible
* 'Tesla', long-strut mirrors might knock 0.005 off the Cd
* Rear skirts would be a setup for some later tail extension
* No view yet of underbody, so it remains an unknown quantity
* Creating a perfectly-vertical, Kamm-truncated box-cavity, to take advantage of every existing millimeter of body length, would be a logical setup for a later boat-tail elongation ( that's where any significant drag reduction would come from )
* The Blueprint side elevation would allow us to accurately locate the roof apex, and that would allow us to quantify the starting Verjungsgungverhaltnis ratio, to compare to bodies of known lower drag, from which one might more accurately predict a drag outcome from a specific degree of elongation.
* She looks like a great canvas from which to paint a masterpiece!