The first thing I did was make a simple HAI/WAI by plugging up the existing intake pipe, cutting a hole in the filter box, and attaching a 3-inch heating duct to the filter box via a 3in-2in PVC conversion. I used PVC cement and aluminum tape. The pvc jutting into the filter box actually prevented the filter from setting all the way in, so I cut the filter away to fit it over the pipe only to discover that opened up slits of direct, unfiltered air. For now I just closed them up with some silicone stuff, but I am going to end up cutting the top of the pipe so I don't have to cut every filter I buy if the WAI ends up working.
Then the real fun began. I acquired a big sheet of coroplast that juuust fit into the back seat of my car... it was probably 4.5' x 3.5'.. Just shy of being able to make 4 wheel covers. I thought I might have better results by making wheel skirts anyway, so on a whim I did it. The coroplast was free courtesy of a local sign shop - I asked if they had any scrap corrugated plastic, and that I didn't care what was on it, and they just gave it to me. I apologize in advance for the blueness of the images, as I forgot I had my WB manually set for a more warm tungsten setting, not blindingly bright daylight.

Any suggestions on this little problem would be appreciated. You can kind of see in the next two images what I did to combat it - I just cut small pieces to plug up the hole, but its still pretty blunt and perpendicular to airflow.

Hard to see because it was getting a bit dark out, but that's a partial grill block.

Mirror delete. I did this and the wiper removal earlier this week. This was actually not that hard. Cut plexiglass to fit the void. The passenger side of the car is noticeably quieter in hwy driving.

-1 wiper. Tested it on a rainy day and felt comfortable with just one wiper... or should I say it "provided me with reasonable driving vision".

I made sure to look up NY state law on wipers and mirrors:
...Every such motor vehicle shall be equipped with suitable wipers or
other device which shall clear a sufficient area of the windshields to
provide reasonable driving vision.
It shall be unlawful after July first, nineteen hundred
sixty-seven to operate on any public highway in this state any motor
vehicle registered in this state, manufactured or assembled on or after
such date, and designated as a nineteen hundred sixty-eight or later
model, unless such vehicle is equipped with an adjustable side view
mirror which shall be affixed to the left outside of such vehicle and
which shall be adjustable so that the operator of such vehicle may have
a clear view of the road and condition of traffic on the left side and
to the rear of such vehicle.
And interestingly enough:
§ 1216. Coasting prohibited. The driver of any motor vehicle when
traveling upon a down grade shall not coast with the gears of such
vehicle in neutral, nor with the clutch disengaged.
At least I'm safe on flat ground

There was absolutely no other mention of coasting, engine on or off, or whether your engine has to be on or off at stop lights.
In summary: Free coroplast!, No wheel covers, wheel skirts, WAI/HAI, partial lower grill block, mirror delete, -1 wiper.
I didn't get much of a chance to test it out, only a little test drive. The IA temperature was certainly higher than normal, and I'm pretty sure I saw an MPG increase, but only time will tell. Stand by for more solid results.