There was a reference in the study I posted a couple months ago that suggested a turbocharged 12:1 Compression engine could be run on gasoline via Multiport EFI and use no more than E50/G50 in the direct injectors under heavy loads.
The difference between an Ethanol vs Gasoline engine is mostly fueling system(more flow, anodized aluminum, viton(TM) o-rings, etc), different ECU maps, and higher compression or turbocharged which requires a sturdier block and components. FFV's fueling system is not that different from a regular car, but it is 100% Ethanol compatible and the ECU is designed to accommodate wide swings in fuel changes and adapt faster than a standard ECU. A factory built E85 specific engine is pretty rare outside of Sweden or Brazil but some prototypes have been build like the Ford Bobcat. Mostly I see them in the hotrod, tuner, or racing crowd in their modded cars

I agree our Ethanol supply could be improved, but not all of the Corn is used to make Ethanol nor is it "food grade" either and there are many different ways to make Ethanol cheap. The best part about ethanol is that it is versatile, near 100% Ethanol is a pretty standard grade and necessary to mix it with Gasoline. So it could be made from just about any simple sugar/starch/glucose source. Sugar cane works for Brazil because they have cheap labor but they can pay close to what we do per gallon($1.50 vs $2 a gallon) of Ethanol depending on the Global price of Sugar

I've heard of people getting within 85% of the original mileage with E85 so I know it's possible. But for a hypermiler driving a Gasoline designed engine, the max E85 MPG is probably going to be 70% of the MPG you could get on Gasoline :/ If Car companies start relying on more turbo engines then Ethanol could really shine. I could see them eliminating the lower grades of gasoline and just going with 93 octane Gasoline and E85 or even E95 if our Ethanol economy spread out into more regions than just the Corn belt. Until then E85 is just another premium grade and rarely available and usually marked up.
I'm going to make my next car E85 compatible. I'll probably keep it mildly modified so that I can still run Gasoline in a pinch. An ethanol injection system could be modded up too with a throttle body injector as mentioned. But I'm trying to keep my dream simple so I can achieve it

. I already limited myself to RWD and at least 30mpg on E85
