Authoritary systems give power to a few, in general to a politic leaders. Unless a corporate sociopath reachs political leadership, he could not be a authoritary. So the best and most viable way for such sociopath is to get freedom do do what he wants in bussiness, if he already have power.
Simple people will have no power to defends thenselves against large bussinessman, corporation. Neider small bussiness people or compoanies.
Private law system, private forum... it will be a disaster.
Human nature it's a disgrace, a trully disgrace, our specie is evil. We need to be protect against ourselfs.
That's why the hippies failed, because they imagined, in their fairy tale dopped minds, that humans were good and just the evil politics who start vietinan war was evil. And the hippies, today dressed as left wing radicals mostly, failed once again due the same reason.
Originally Posted by freebeard