02-16-2009, 02:08 PM
#201 (permalink)
cheap yet balla
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buster - '97 JEEP Grand Cherokee LTD
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Junior at Stevenson University for Business Communications
-graduate 2010 then "real world"
and of course having a blast
Other popular topics in this forum...
02-17-2009, 11:07 AM
#202 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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I'm a retired canadian army medical officer and physician with much training in alternative medicine modalities. Am math geek, build and repair computers for fun <love linux>. Manage my own investments - technical analysis of financial markets. Love touring motorcycles.
02-24-2009, 01:10 AM
#203 (permalink)
In hypermiler central
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Student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I'm studying economics and computer science, and I've always been a car enthusiast.
I got into hypermiling when my girlfriend and I went to different colleges, which are 570 miles apart. So, to visit her, I drive close to 1200 miles 2-3 weekends out of each month. Luckily, she's coming to school next year, so I'll probably to sell my hypermiling car soon.
03-03-2009, 12:42 PM
#204 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2008
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24 vehicles, 13 toyotas
I am a retired Operations Director. I have a degree in Food Science but only briefly worked in the field. My science background gave me problem solving ability and 'thinking outside the box' which I adapted to successful management career in health care plant management.
I'm happy to be out of the office permanently and engaged with my hobby farm in rural North Florida.
I had no brothers, so my Dad engaged me in car talk and repairs. I got interested in all things automotive. My husband is from New York City, and all he knows is where to put the key and the gas, so I take care of our cars.
After the 70's, when cars became less mechanical and more "circuital" it kinda got away from me and I didn't get under the hood any more. But I was always interested in mileage, and kept records (as taught by Dad) of every fillup of every car I ever had my whole life. So the ecomodder forum felt like a natural for me to geek out on such matters with.
I am driving my 1996 Corolla wagon: my carbon credit car. I recently traded my 2001 Tundra for a 2009 Tacoma (toyota #13). I just love a Toyota. I use a truck for farm stuff, and to pull my (little) trailer every summer to Burning Man.
I'm currently trying to determine if running premium, recommended for the 4.0 liter six, is better mileage than running on regular. The computer detunes the engine for regular, so it doesn't knock, but you get a little (really little) more HP and torque with premium and I'm experimentally trying to up my towing mileage in advance of the summer trip.
03-07-2009, 10:32 PM
#205 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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LOL - So far, I have tried to post for 2 nights, have 2 posts gone out the window. [OK - try again, I started back 30 years ago, during the 70's crisis.] I came up with double transmission ideas, using the available service manuals of the day. I started withe the Beetle, actually a herd of beetles. I guess I bought 5 of them in a couple years. The 70 was the car that ran, the others were just donors.
Oh well. 1970Beetle - 34mpg - 1973 -Rideau 500 -351C - 32mpg on highway.
I played with the engines in these, 4 different carbs, and used tag wire and other stuff to vaporize the fuel better. I worked at getting things to run at Max Torque and Max intake vacumn. It seemed to work. The 73-351 engine went from 14mpg to 32 mpg on the highway. I dropped off the fan, but it was so over powered, that it made no difference.
I took Forest Engineering, but the only think I enjoyed was the generic Engy courses. After working for a bunch of years, I went back to do some Mech Eng as an adult student. I should have never let the councilors know that I was even in the program. [LOL]
Recent - 1997 Itrepid - 35mpg - 43psi tyres and gliding.
1997 Golf - 30mpg - Engine has a rich problem - and I am blocking off the grill already.
What I do for a day job, Well I work in facility security, about 140 acres. And I play with this cause it keeps me thinking!
Last edited by Centurion; 03-19-2009 at 06:06 PM..
Reason: To add details, thank you!
03-12-2009, 07:10 AM
#206 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Hi. I've recently finished my BA in political science, but was always interesting into ecology and cars, especially concepts.
Now I'm working in social network treenex.com (it will be up soon  )
03-14-2009, 03:15 PM
#207 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Absolute "newbie" here....
Hi, all !
I've spent lots of time reading the posts of other new-comers... what a group! Neat.
Me? I'm an efficiency nut ; anything can be modified, improved, adapted, re-fitted, fixed ( and broken! "Why?" ). I started with Tinkertoys ... ended up with a retirement collection of broken dreams  and unappreciated ideas.
I dislike the title BS ( we all know what this really means ), so I just say BSc . I have two of 'em...one in ME and one in Engr. Management. I also have 13+ years of R&D experience ( with a major corp.- which doesn't exist, anymore ... take-overs! ARGH! ) in labs & pilot plants. Learned a lot of neat stuff!
Cars? I love 'em! The concepts, the parts, the dirty hands, the smell of gas & oil, the "go better" feeling of mods. I dislove bureaucrats, passholes, and wiiilllld & crazy guys.
And corporate mentalities...who follow the balance sheets. That's enough.
03-16-2009, 05:01 AM
#208 (permalink)
2004 Prius Owner
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Biblical Literature, then Engineering classes. Went into computers and am now a Train Dispatcher.
Wife and two mid sized girls
Electric Mower and looking into a Electric Golf cart on craig's list Jacksonville for parts.
2006 Scion xB
2002 Ford Ranger
03-16-2009, 05:10 AM
#209 (permalink)
EcoModding Minded
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I milk Bulls 
03-16-2009, 04:29 PM
#210 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Technology Education student. Graduation in May of 2010 from Millersville University.