Today after lunch I pulled around the parking lot to a convenient (and downhill

) exit onto a main thoroughfare of my city about 50 yards back from a major intersection, 4 lanes of normal traffic plus two left-turn lanes and a right-turn lane, 40mph limit. I want to go right, across the right-turn lane and into the first straight lane on through the intersection. Unforunately the light is red and there is traffic backed up...but luck! for a nice guy in an older red pickup waves me in, pretty vigorous waving at that. I glance across the right-turn lane and don't see anything nearby, but there's the hill crests none-too-far-away (ooh foreshadowing). Anyway I pull out pretty perkily because of the waving and all, and then
So I'm thinking some combo of (expletive), am I gonna die?, ugh car ruined, and I turn my head as I pull across the right turn lane, still
And there's this kinda messed-up cream colored compact sedan with black trim, looked Neonish maybe? but I wasn't looking for nameplates at this point, roaring down the right-turn lane at about 50mph (fifty yards from a right turn, ten over, mind you),
I'm freaked out but know there's plenty of air, so I accelerate normally. Of course I feel bad for causing this driver such terror (based on the 10 seconds of horn anyway) windows are down so I look over with an exacerbated expression and say loudly "sorry!" as they fly past me, to a lady talking on her cell phone with one hand and flipping me off with the other at about 35mph, 10 yards before the intersection.