07-09-2008, 08:40 PM
#1 (permalink)
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Any one find the term hypermiler degrading?
I've been pumping as many mpg's out of everything i've ever driven. And just recently(at least when i noticed it) the media and others have classified me as a hypermiler. I think it's a corny "trendy" term. One report i read said something about the hypermiler revolution and listed on guy who pumps out a whole 60mpg's out of his prius and created the practice of drafting in 2001. I mean it just seems like the newest trend where it clasifys everyone by some corny name. I mean people have been drafting for a long time, but the media treats it like it's new and says a self-proclaimed hypermiler created it? I dunno it just pushes my buttons, i like games, now im a gamer, i'm an IT guy now i'm a geek(i find that offensive), i care about the environment so now i'm green everyone's green, clorox is green. I just hate the media's rotation of "new" stuff, so i refuse to call my self a hypermiler, anyone else feel the same? Maybe i'm being stupid, but thanks for listening to my rant. Don't mean to offend anyone who likes to call themselves hypermilers, for all i know they've been using the term since the 70's and now it's back and "new". I just like to tell peoplemy mpg when it comes up and tell them how they can conserve too rather than just say that i'm a hypermiler, seems awkward.
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07-09-2008, 08:45 PM
#2 (permalink)
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It's as degrading as being called a liberal.
However, applying the terms 'green' and 'eco-' to anything and everything is just asinine. Ecomodder, in my defense, makes sense. However, I do like the term 'greenwashing,' as it specifically points out form over substance.
For the record, I refer to myself as an amateur hypermiler.
07-09-2008, 08:51 PM
#3 (permalink)
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I personally don't like the term because hyper- has an extreme connotation. For that reason I much prefer ecodriver, since I try to be an economical driver, not a crazy-miler.
In the end, I think it's important for people to be able to call themselves what they want and not be labeled by others. One term may be fine for some, but not for others, especially depending on context.
07-09-2008, 08:54 PM
#4 (permalink)
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dann_04 -
Nope. I'm a geek and a nerd. A lonnnnnggggggg time ago, in a mental framework far far away, being labeled would annoy me. Since that time I have learned that if I embrace the label, then I defeat the label (aka it has no power over me).
Sticks and stones and all that,
07-09-2008, 09:26 PM
#5 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by cfg83
dann_04 -
Nope. I'm a geek and a nerd. A lonnnnnggggggg time ago, in a mental framework far far away, being labeled would annoy me. Since that time I have learned that if I embrace the label, then I defeat the label (aka it has no power over me).
Sticks and stones and all that,
Makes sense...but then again i would consider myself a nerd or lets say nerdy, but not a geek. Every one has a different out look on labels. I myself have traits, but i don't want to be labled just because i have a trait. But that's me.
07-09-2008, 10:54 PM
#6 (permalink)
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I agree. When I first encountered the term "hypermilier", it seemed negative to me. I've heard the same from others. I think that the term "ecodriver" is much better than "hypermiler". There's nothing hyper about what we do. Hypermiling...er...ecodriving...is cool, calm, and calculated. 
07-09-2008, 10:59 PM
#7 (permalink)
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I like it. It gives me something to tell the people at work when they ask "Why are you backing out of the parking space with out the car on?" 
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07-09-2008, 10:59 PM
#8 (permalink)
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To me, the term didn't have a bad connotation until the past few months (with the mixed Press coverage). Within family and friends, it's known for the benefits and I use the term freely (it was the common definition for a couple years at least)...
But introducing it to new people now, I tend to shift the focus of the lingo to "Eco-Driving" -- and explain Ecology, Economy, both, yadda-yadda...
As far as the topic, people would glaze over at the mere mention of it. Now there seems to be a curiosity with the cost and all.
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07-09-2008, 11:16 PM
#9 (permalink)
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There is a difference in eco-driving and hypermiling. The more advanced manuever are used in hypermiling and these are the one that the "press" focus on because they can create interest or passion which helps sell papers. Just take a look at comments form any press that is done on gas saving. They totaly miss the point and focus on EOC, higher inflation pressures, and drafting. This starts a flurry of activity of comments on how dangerous it is.
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07-10-2008, 08:51 AM
#10 (permalink)
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I wouldn't say the term is degrading, but the negative media attention on the inconsiderate and potentially dangerous techniques have definitely changed things.
I forget who posted it recently, but he told his mom he was hypermiling, and she was definitely not happy to hear that! Why? Because she'd only ever heard about it from the media. Considering the ratio of people who understand the practices, vs. the vast number who have read the negative stories, I'd say the term is definitely damaged.
Have to give Wayne due credit for coming up with a catchy term that got wide exposure and drew attention to the issues. But I'd bet that he's wondered about the wisdom of having called it "hyper"miling (see Ben's point).