Its that time of year to do my maintenance (check timing, set tappets etc..)
maintenance check:10btdc
I run 12 btdc (on 87ron (91 ron in nz) no pinking
reset tappets to stock clearances
jets were rediculously dirty, cleaned them out with carb cleaner,
checked the fuel adjustment screw, HOLY CRAP ITS ALL THE WAY OUT,
A/F ratio was 11.5/1!!!!!!!!!!
(omg and i was still getting 35mpg)
have leaned carb to about 14/1 (have to compensate for driving)
but wow!!!!, i cant believe the a/f ratio was that bad, im glad i do maintenace checks, i have more power and it starts better now as well,
Will have f/e numbers up soon, keep an eye on my graph, hopefully it will go up