Originally Posted by P-hack
diy instrumentation, accurate to within %1, is like $20 in parts on a bad day.
Point the way sencers are minimal VSS, TPS, TRANS TEMP, IAT , COOLENT TEMP, . TCM ONLY aftermarket add EGT,MAP ,
HOW to geno scain gadge andreno. Some thing more accrueit. better than pin and paper. 1% @$20 sounds good
what is needed. Some kind of fule flow rate meeter. Rpm sincer port. Tap into the VSS and some programing skills I Do NOT have
1st gen cummins 91.5 dodge d250 ,HX35W/12/6 QSV
ehxsost manafulld wrap, Aero Tonto
best tank: distance 649gps mi 24.04 mpg 27.011usg
Best mpg : 31.32mpg 100mi 3.193 USG 5/2/20

'83 GMC S-15 Jimmy 2door 2wd O/D auto 3.73R&P
'79 Chevy K20 4X4 350ci 400hp msd custom th400 /np205. 7.5-new 14mpg modded befor modding was a thing
87' Hyundai Excel
83 ranger w/87 2.9 L FI2wd auto 18mpg on the floor
04 Mitsubishi Gallant 2.4L auto 26mpg
06 Subaru Forrester XT(WRX PACKAGE) MT AWD Turbocharged 18 plying dirty best of 26mpg@70mph
95Chevy Blazer 4x4 auto 14-18mpg
04 Chevy Blazer 4x4 auto 16-22mpg
Last edited by gumby79; 02-28-2016 at 12:11 PM..
Reason: Fix incomplete