I didn't want to duplicate what I said in the CRX's garage. I have all of my "Planned Mods" there.

I will also have links to the completed projects there too, but here I can talk about stuff. And I do tend to do a lot of that.
Lol, I originally wanted an insight, but decided to go with the least expensive, and fully gasoline option. And (in my PERSONAL opinion), the CRX stood WAY out from the rest. The back end and the Honda name brand being the biggest sellers to me. But I didn't realize how much I'd fall in love with the CRX in general.

If I had gotten a Metro, not only would it have been cheaper initially, but it wouldn't kill me to modify it to the point of no return. And I wouldn't be fussing over the condition of the paint, etc.
That would be fun to have 1000 miles on the tank! But I'd have to top it off and end with 0.6 gallons left! We'll see.
I think a wall of fame would be good. I head over to the top 10 lists and browse through the big time hypermilers to get some encouragement when I need it. Goals are good.
I'm already #19 on the best mileage list (gasoline cars). So getting higher there, and especially beating WeatherSpotter (He's a good friend of mine), will be a lot of fun!
I was only just getting some momentum with RAVadoodle before getting the CRX, so I'm still of the mind frame that it's a practical goal. But I'm sure your point has some truth to it!

If there is going to be anything keeping me from reaching that goal, it will be the same reason that occasionally deflates my desire to hypermile. And that is rude drivers.