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Old 08-02-2008, 04:12 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Katana View Post
"Obese, Burger eating invasion monkey"
LOL, I've been waiting for a good signature It might be funnier if he said it in drag

Can you drive those quadracycles on the roads without mom (the gubment) declaring it too unsafe for your own good?

Obese, Burger eating invasion monkey

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Old 08-02-2008, 04:21 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Not only can you drive them, but the Man is encouraging people to drive them through lower licence fees, free parking and exemption from the London congestion charge (though I believe that's coming to an end for electrics).
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Old 08-03-2008, 02:32 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Katana View Post
...Obese, Burger eating invasion monkeys,...
We Americans, well OK, at least myself, just don't get how being called a monkey is 'spose to be derogatory. You mean those cute little marsupials?

And I didn't fully understand 'bugger' until I read this;
I guess it has nothing to do with insects...

Anyway, I'm with you on the new signature, dcb.

Last edited by Tango Charlie; 08-03-2008 at 04:48 PM..
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Old 08-03-2008, 05:55 PM   #14 (permalink)
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I think it's a turn around of what we heard some Americans calling the French when they disapproved and didn't fight in the middle east wars, "cheese eating surrender monkeys" was the phrase if i remember correctly. I'm not sure why the monkeys is derogatory, it was just in the saying.

Feel free to hate him, many do and he seems to thrive on it, i just take his comments/opinions with a pinch of salt. I think the reason why others like him because he expresses his thoughts without worrying if he offended anyone, and Britain has become so politically correct in the last decade, people are becoming sick of being told what the can and can't say and he epitomizes the backlash against it. He is playing to his base when he spews his hatred of America, and various other countries like Germany, Switzerland and Korea.

I don't think you should stop your kids from hearing such things, there are a lot of people in the world who don't like or flat out hate Americans for whatever reason and it's important they know that. I'm sure there are plenty of people in world who would hate me for they way i live, who or what i am and what country i live in, it's just the world we live in these days.

You're correcting in saying that pride or patriotism in england/britain is considered to be un-PC, bad taste and by some to be insulting to minorities living here. It was co-opted by racist and far right groups in Britain, and anyone who tries to express patriotism is thought to be a white supremacist/racist or just plain weird. I'm glad you are instilling a sense of pride in their heritage, many British could stand to do the same these days.

Heh, bit heavy on the politics there.

Does anyone on here like the G-Wiz?
I know it's an electric car and all but it's a bad example of one, and just enforces the stereotype that such cars are tickets to a plastic death, or have a useless range.
There are some good looking and safer leccy cars in the pipeline but the G-Wiz is just sitting there at the moment setting back the leccy car in the public image.
Crooked toothed, tea swilling crumpet eater!
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Old 08-03-2008, 08:10 PM   #15 (permalink)
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I am an American myself and know for a fact that most of us are big, fat, lazy, stupid, selfish people who waste many resources including food, fuel, clothing, and more!

I do not consider myself in this category, but look around! Look at that fat, huge lady carrying out a banana split and a large soda to her minivan full of fast food garbage. Look at that dude in the drive-thru who ordered enough food to feed an entire village in a 3rd world country, but yet decides on a diet soda. Look at that lady in the parking lot running her A/C with the window down in a large SUV while talking on the cell phone complaining about gas prices. Look at that redneck driving his 8 MPG pickup truck 20 miles to get a 12 pack of Milwaukee's Best Ice. Look at the dumb Americans who buy toys made in China and cost 10 times their value only to have their child break it within 10 minutes of play time.

We Americans have different views about people from other countries, but look at how they look at us.

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Old 08-07-2008, 04:29 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Katana and Mullet,

It's not about whether we are or are not fat, monkeys or not monkeys, or so on. It's not about whether he's justified in his hatred of America/Americans. It's about whether a person should give him the time of day. If you like him (e.g., dcb), more power to you...keep on watching. If you don't like the hate and can't get past the fact that he hates you (justified or not), then boycott.

[Hey Mullet, are you a Bengals fan or Browns fan? Either way, your state's teams are better off with Favre going to the Jets.]

I watched the G-Wiz video just to be somewhat on topic. Hmmmm.
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Old 08-07-2008, 07:54 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Clark View Post
Hey Mullet, are you a Bengals fan or Browns fan? Either way, your state's teams are better off with Favre going to the Jets.
Go Steelers!

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Old 08-07-2008, 09:18 AM   #18 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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Originally Posted by Clark View Post
If you like him (e.g., dcb)
It wasn't clarkson who had the burger monkey comment, it was some unnamed english comedian. I'm no fan of clarkson/top gear:

Originally Posted by dcb View Post
...Why folks get so upset over the news to begin with? Or top gear for that matter? Just turn that crud off...
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Old 08-07-2008, 09:19 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Katana View Post
As for the G-Wiz as well, it's an ugly, unsafe piece of crap as evidenced by it's run in with the table in that clip.
Unsure if my sarcasm detector is working right....

But you do realize that crash was a comedic set-up, right? The table was hiding a concrete barrier, steel post or something.

Not defending the car's crashworthiness - it still more or less folds up like a wet Kleenex box...
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Old 08-07-2008, 09:48 AM   #20 (permalink)
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I'm Canadian and I find all of his anti-american jokes funny. Very funny. Mullet is correct in his thinking - America is the most obese country in the world. Your south has a reputation for incest. You consume more oil per capita than anybody. You elect leaders that enjoy blowing up countries of people who are different. Your "sports cars" have historically been big heavy pieces of crap with monster engines in them, etc etc etc (and another etc).

Does this mean that I hate americans? No, my best friend is half American, I used to have aspirations to move there to make some good money in engineering, I appreciate the technological advancements and drive to improve the world (though the method is questionable).

Laugh it off, man. I laughed at Montey Python's gay dancing lumberjack routine. Har har, yes we have a history as lumberjacks in canada...

I'm sure brits laugh it off when americans call them (let me quote antoher signature here) Tea Swilling Crumpet Eaters. And lets not forget the other stereotypes of brits... the simpson's "Big Book of British Smiles", the stereotypes of horrible food and flaming prissy prancers "is he gay, or british?"

LIGHTEN UP! If there's something i hate in this world, it is people that try to tell other people to hate. I will not hate Clarkson because he is funny.

In similarly hilarious fashion, has anybody seen the episode where they travelled to some southern hicktown in the states and decorated each other's cars in a competition to see who could avoid getting killed? That was golden and an excellent fuel for the Clarkson anti-american fire. The monkeys... er... americans started throwing rocks and beer bottles like... monkeys. It was funny.

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