Old Mech, I often think about how I do not know my uncles well, and one already passed away, so there is a lost opportunity. I try to stay close to my nephews and the difference seems to be simply that my uncles had their own families, while I do not. At the moment, I can hardly support myself, so how could I provide for a family? However, at the moment, I do not need to provide for a family, so I am trying to put myself in the best position to do so eventually. I feel that there is more to life than hobbies, many of which are absolute time-wasters. I will never have a hundred billion dollars, so to an extent, that thread was an exercise in futility, and even more frustrating because I feel that I earned a much better grade than I received!
Right now, it really seems that if I floated away into space, the biggest mark that I would have made would have been my posts here, and from time to time, I see an old one, and delete it.
Dad once told me that I would be a good father.
I sure want the opportunity, I just want my kids to have a mother and a father that love them and each other.
My ex-girlfriend is twenty-three. I dated some girls her age before, but they were college graduates, smarter, and more mature--a lot of good that did!
I was not trying to date anyone that young, it just happened. To be honest, I think that early twenties should be mature enough for a relationship, some people just never grow up. It is great when women have careers, although since I am still some time away from having my own, I am more comfortable trying to get to know younger women. I am actually chatting with two women that earned teaching certificates, but decided to not teach. Hey, I am not currently using either of my degrees! I mentioned the younger one, she seems depressed, directionless, and to be gaining weight. The older one works as a classroom aid, but seemed to think there was something wrong with me having roommates at my age, and then I found out that she lived with her parents.
Desiring kids, younger women make more sense, when younger women make any sense at all!

Some people act surprised that I am okay dating women that have already been married and\or have kids. I love children and it seems that most people my age have been married at one time or another, but then you have people saying they already have kids, they do not want more. Finally, I feel bad mentioning this, but I want an active wife that takes care of herself. People tend to gain weight as they get older. I do not want a wife that would tell me "I would have gone hiking with you ten years ago."
Frank Lee, I like cats, although I think that I would prefer a dog. I have never had any, but my sister does. I would love to have a dog that woke me up by dropping his leash on me, and that ate flip-flops!
Metro, all of my jokes are bad, although I hope that they are still in good taste.
I have not used the acronym for "laugh out loud" since I was much younger. Saying "Oh my goodness! That was hilarious! Well done!" is far more my style!