Today was quite productive as far as Insight progress goes.
I started out by finishing up my grid charger harness. I had already made the grid charger months ago, but never made or installed the harness that connects the charger to the battery pack. To do this, I used a female molex 4 pin connector. These are the old school ones you would see in a computer. From there, the 4 wires split up and two go to the battery pack, and two go to the battery cooling fan so you can cool the pack while its charging.
Here are some pictures.
These are the connections to the battery pack.
Then the wires come around the back passenger side. The two connect via wire taps to the fan. I drilled a hole and threw a rubber grommet in to get the wires out of the aluminum case (which gets a cover).
Here you can see the molex connector to connect the charger and harness. I have my voltmeter's probes jammed in the connector to monitor the voltage.
And, here is the setup charging. The pack started at 96V and very quickly jumped up as the charger started its job.
Next up was a simple fix, but one of those things that was quite annoying when driving the car. The back of the headliner had been peeling away. It just makes the car look junky IMO when you see a bad headliner. So, a bit of spray adhesive and that was fixed.
This is the stuff I used.
And here is the fix half done already. The sag was the full length of the rear hatch nearly.
All done and pretty again.
And, finally I got the clutch mounted back up to the flywheel. Thankfully, the clutch alignment tool from my clutch replacement in my 04 Civic doubled nicely as the spline and pilot bearing are the same.