Jerky foot syndrome is rampant in N. America!!!
I live on the most perfectly level, straight street you will likely ever find, uninterrupted for substantial lengths by intersections or anything. While attempting to enjoy the front yard of my property, I can easily hear doofus after doofus after doofus doing sort of an abbrieviated P&G all the way down the street. I really do think many people are too dumb to live.
I have a few friends afflicted with jerky foot syndrome. WAAAAooooWAAAAAooooWAAAAoooo the WHOLE WAY.

Yes, for them, cc would be a godsend... if only THEY'D USE IT.
I have inquired as to why they don't use their ccs but I just get some vague meaningless evasive answer so I guess they just aren't in the habit.
One of them asks me what mpg should I get with this vehicle or that one, and I tell him, and then he proceeds to never get anywhere near close to that. I did gently suggest the methods (not even hypermiling as we know it) but they went in one ear and out the other. Can't teach an old dog a new trick if he's not willing to learn... but even when he's the one who asked?
Same goes for motorcyclists- I've referred to their problem as Epileptic Wrist Seizure Disorder- for some reason it is almost universal to Hardley Abelson riders, but other marques can be infected to a lesser degree. I always wonder, why is it the Hardley Abelson needs to be goosed and revved constantly at stops- will it stall? Overheat? What? Does this individual with Epileptic Wrist Seizure Disorder constantly blip the throttle in his cage too?