The bearings and seals kit came in today, time to get to work!
I had already taken the VX tranny apart, now that it's been powder-coated and I've got my new bearings, better get the old ones off.
Taking the pinion bearings off is pretty straight-forward. I use only the bearing puller on the side with the speedo gear. It takes longer, but I'd hate to have to replace that little plastic circle for being in a hurry. The rear of the pinion, I start out with a chisel to make enough room for the puller (nothing to break on the backside):
You can see the hammer and chisel sitting in the picture, I'll leave that one to your imagination

This is the output shaft of the tranny. On the top of this shaft there are two bearings that are locked in place by a big nut.
There is a shoulder on the nut that has been "peined" over a keyway in the shaft. You have to clear this keyway, or you'll never get your nut off

(see what I did there?)
This is where I stray from the factory service manual in my method, since I don't want to buy the special tool to get this nut loose.
First, (after clearing the keyway like in the last pic) I lock the shaft in a vice - and I grab it by the nut real tight

(get your minds out of the gutter)
Then I'll use a piece of old timing belt (something about the teeth on the belt makes it work) to protect the gears from my TWO FOOT PIPE WRENCH!!!
Some of you out there in the interweb may not approve of this method (I challenge those of you that disapprove to show me a "less destructive" way to get the job done without the specialty tool), but it works well for me, and I'm the only person I'm trying to please here!
That said, my method works pretty darn well

now that the bearings are out, I'll just pop the new ones on and slap this baby together
Case closed.
Now I'll have to start bothering my "yoda" to see if my mounts can get done before tomorrow night (otherwise might not have red mounts in time for Skiddy's present)