well transmission and clutch so far is beyond brand new. feels like a whole new civic. I had to replace the tps sensor because I checked the voltage and it was off. took it off and broke the gasket. had to buy a whole new one. this one came with better bolts for it so hopefully it fixed it.
rear passenger brake pads were installed correctly. just followed a youtube video on how to do them. they were in very very bad shape. at least one of them was.
now I drove it around let it warm up. I noticed that while driving and the car is in neutral. the rpms go up and down just under 1k rpms like a vacuum leak. I cant find any anywhere tho. I thought it would have been from the tps cuz the gasket was all janked up.
also I checked the timing with the engine warmed up.i didn't jump the ecu connector thing. but the timing jumps back and forth and wont stay in the same spot. is this normal?
when I check the timing with it jumped its right on the timing mark. and when I installed the belt I made sure the tooth on the bottom was aiming up on the crankshaft pulley and it was at tdc. not sure whats up.
also when the car is not on just the ignition is turned this one vacuum part gets extremely hot is that normal?
when I remove it theres no vacuum to it or anything either.