Originally Posted by California98Civic
Very nice. Thanks for posting it. I like the simplicity and finish, but it must have been heavy. Did you ever take it past the rear axle and spare tire? Every bolt it with security bolts to "discourage the CAT thieves"?
The main belly pan is the heaviest part...I'm guessing about 40lbs? The key to my setup is the 3 sections (engine/front belly pan, main belly pan, rear belly pan) and the crossbeams.
Yes, I've built a rear belly pan (initially called a rear axle pan) and an adjustable rear diffuser section as well as rear skirts. The rear belly pan and rear diffuser build starts on page 6 of my thread. I've even added an extension to my rear diffuser.
I didn't use any security bolts yet as this is still a trial setup. We'll see about that in the future.