Hi Guys n Gals,
I am curious as to what MPG's you guys are able to achieve without the usual EOC (and stop lights) & P&G ?
I am struggling to get under 5.5l/100km in a 1.3L DOHC weighing 900Kg with me in it, and am wondering if that is average, great or unbelievable ?
I am planning on EOC sometime in the future, once I can make it electronic, aka Prius hands off style would be nice, but till then I would like to see how low I can go and have the feeling that this MPG is potentially only average.
The engine has a few miles on it (140k), but seems mechanically A1. Though it does need a new clutch but I'm not expecting that to change my MPG figures much if anything?
I have a wideband on it and other than being in closed loop for 95% of the time, it barely goes below 14:1 with my driving style. I know that doesn't mean much given load and bsfc etc..
Anyway, feel free to post up some non EOC and P&G numbers?
I'm curious as to whether or not I should be doing better given the car I have?