Sven7- Just got word, to run you must be a member($40 as darcane said for the whole World of Speed(WOS)), kids under 12 are free, and a spectator/pit pass for additional adults are at "a reduced rate".
Usfra home page is pretty good with info. I've asked a couple questions about the paperwork and the answers I've posted here. Quick and friendly responses all.
I am REALLY looking forward to making this trip

. I'd like to visit with other ecomodders on the way, take some pics, tell some lies, collect others going to Bonneville(as in follow someone who has been there before at the end

), basically, I'm looking to start planning the route. I could take the obvious route of Southwest from here to I-80 and head West, or see more of the country and wander around a bit. I'll probably be ready to hightail it straight home afterwards, but I think a good "Road Trip" is in order. Tentative departure is the Sunday before WOS(Sep. 2). This should allow ample travel time with a not-so-intense pace. As this is an MPG based trip, 55-60 mph travel speed( except down hill, of course

) on the Highways?
Side note; my soon-to-be 17 year old Son has decided that he doesn't want to spend all his free time with his Dad( I'm so proud) so has opted out of the trip, leaving the passenger seat open. I'm taking applications for co-pilot/navigator/morale officer/... Female applicants, please PM me here

, male applicants,... um... somewhere else... over there

Also, should this be moved to "events and Meet-ups"?