11-11-2018, 09:41 AM
#11 (permalink)
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At least I was in better shape than today, since back then I went to exercise even more beause I told myself I would never allow retar...d ignorante prejudiced people private me from exercise in public space.
Háaa háaa... In some way today I'm more psychologic strong than ever, since I didn't moved away. When we confront problems, stand, we get stronger as long as we are not defeated or crushed in horrible ways.
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09-25-2019, 03:18 PM
#12 (permalink)
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I think I found how women & girls, at least in my city (on Brazil's jungle culture), feels inside when refused by man :
They probably feels and think just like this evil guy, but don't speak, and plan something, a revange but not in physical ways.
Last edited by All Darc; 09-25-2019 at 04:38 PM..
09-25-2019, 10:52 PM
#13 (permalink)
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I faced the same thing in the 1970s. Thinking you know what other people are thinking only works for non-autists.
Don't forget this story. You'll have to go there for the punchline.
www.humortimes.com: My Dad and the Girl with the Rainbow Spiked Hair
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
09-26-2019, 01:04 PM
#14 (permalink)
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If you had followed my comments about this theme, and what to me, you would had kewn that I'm sure about what people did, since I was hostilized by ignorant people right after refused take a girl's note (with her phone number) sent by her friend.
Yes, I know how women are also evil, just like man, but they act less physical, by gossip and lies, and use also their male friends for this.
What make me sick is how left wing only focus in male evil and completely forgot about female evil.
Women support a lot of what creastes male sexism. To start, they raise boys todlers in way that promotes sexism, and they select the worse kinds of males, the famous bad boy culture where girls are crazy for bad boys.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Last edited by All Darc; 09-26-2019 at 01:09 PM..
09-29-2019, 02:46 PM
#15 (permalink)
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Back around 2001 I took my brother to the store and some guy stared at two guys holding hands, but while I don't know if I pass of as whatever a certain person considers "normal" to be at a given point of time, as I mention all of the time, my brother has autism--not a little like I may, but he is nonverbal, seems to have zero understanding of left and right, and obsesses over the most aggravating things, like taking the garbage on a tour of the house, and circling our heads with it, before finally taking it out. He also engages in what the sensitive gentlemen on Reddit call "autistic screeching."
I would expect anyone with the slightest sense to recognize in a fraction of a second that my brother has special needs, not two guys holding hands for some other reason.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
09-29-2019, 04:29 PM
#16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
If you had followed my comments about this theme, and what to me, you would had kewn that I'm sure about what people did, since I was hostilized by ignorant people right after refused take a girl's note (with her phone number) sent by her friend.
Yes, I know how women are also evil, just like man, but they act less physical, by gossip and lies, and use also their male friends for this.
What make me sick is how left wing only focus in male evil and completely forgot about female evil.
Women support a lot of what creastes male sexism. To start, they raise boys todlers in way that promotes sexism, and they select the worse kinds of males, the famous bad boy culture where girls are crazy for bad boys.
I agree with what you're saying.
If you plan on championing this cause, great and good luck. If not, you're welcome to join us embittered-against-humanity types.
09-29-2019, 04:43 PM
#17 (permalink)
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On Japan it's often friends walk holding hands. On England it was normal until a scandal expose two friends as gays more than 100 years ago. On India, a violent culture toward women and gays, it's als normal for friends to walk holding hands.
I'm not advocating hold hands, since I don't do it myself, but I'm just making a comparisom.
On Brazil even oposite sex friends can't hold hands without be labeled as lovers. Like on USA I think. I n small cities if two perons, male & female friends, with one married set to drink a cofee, people will gossip they are on a afair. Corrected : I had typed wrong. It's about friends of different genders.
I think I was the only person on my city to join right and left wing in a common purpose, hostilize me. As I said, right wing thinks if a man want to be alone he is gay, as they primitive minds believes a man needs to constant prove he is a man. And left wing thinks a woman can't be directed turn off, refused, even if women do it often with man without anyone be against it, since left wing thinks this is a offence against female sexuality.
Anyway they helped me to prove what I have being said years ago, that society it's a piece of garbage and people a bunch of irrational animals. So they think everyone must be a animal like them.
I'm antisexual due disgust I feel (developed) towards the culture and values, and all the incoherent and hipocrisy of the society here. I almost can smell it on people...
I's weird to hear about brazilian feminsts, since brazilian women are very sexist and raise their kids to develope sexist mentality. I use to say feminism should also blkame women, almost as much as blame man, since they are also a lot responsible for sexim.
Originally Posted by Xist
Back around 2001 I took my brother to the store and some guy stared at two guys holding hands, but while I don't know if I pass of as whatever a certain person considers "normal" to be at a given point of time, as I mention all of the time, my brother has autism--not a little like I may, but he is nonverbal, seems to have zero understanding of left and right, and obsesses over the most aggravating things, like taking the garbage on a tour of the house, and circling our heads with it, before finally taking it out. He also engages in what the sensitive gentlemen on Reddit call "autistic screeching."
I would expect anyone with the slightest sense to recognize in a fraction of a second that my brother has special needs, not two guys holding hands for some other reason.
Last edited by All Darc; 09-29-2019 at 05:08 PM..
09-29-2019, 05:01 PM
#18 (permalink)
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It's a deep form of autism. Deeper than Raymond in the movie RainMan.
Once I heard about a young baby whose crazy mother let hin locked in the back of a car's trunk, and he developed autism due lack of sensorial stimulus.
Nobody knows exactly what autism is or how it is created/developed. But I think it's about the brain be connected with the ouside world, about connection with reality by sensorial stimulus.
Originally Posted by Xist
I mention all of the time, my brother has autism--not a little like I may, but he is nonverbal, seems to have zero understanding of left and right, and obsesses over the most aggravating things, like taking the garbage on a tour of the house, and circling our heads with it, before finally taking it out. He also engages in what the sensitive gentlemen on Reddit call "autistic screeching."
Human nature it's not really kind. Most forms of kindness, even with babies and toddles, that humans have, have a second interest relation about. Human nature it's quite selfish in many ways, despite try to find groups to fit in. Instinctively humans are always analyzing others in search of things of interest or in search of pówer relations or in search or hazards to avoid. In nature probably our ancestor would often abandon ill kids or kids with special needs.
Originally Posted by Xist
I would expect anyone with the slightest sense to recognize in a fraction of a second that my brother has special needs, not two guys holding hands for some other reason.
Last edited by All Darc; 09-30-2019 at 09:24 AM..
09-29-2019, 05:26 PM
#19 (permalink)
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Once I heard about a youung baby whose crazy mother let hin locked in the back of a car's trunk, and he developed autism due lack of sensorial stimulus.
Instant onset autism? Did his hair turn gray at the same time?
Nobody knows exactly what autism is or how it is created/developed.
Whatever, it is considered to be a spectrum. Those on the extreme end are like Xist's brother, a very loose fit with the rest of society.
Those toward the middle of the spectrum have wrested control of society; see Steve Wozniak and Richard Stallman. They're the ones that have been weaponized to complete the takeover, the army of Kekistan.
I'm antisexual due disgust I feel (developed) towards the culture and values, and all the incoherent and hipocrisy of the society here.
You might be a MGTOW if...
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
09-29-2019, 05:30 PM
#20 (permalink)
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I have first and second hand experience with Aspergers, a form of autism.
Rather than being caused by a lack of sensorial stimulus, it is caused by the inability of the brain to effectively manage an overage of stimuli. My son is overly sensitive in sight and sound (probably much like both his parents - there's a reason we match) and just like other Aspergers he developed a larger than average brain in the first few months of his life, as other parts of the brain try to fill in for the failing of the frontal cortex to deal with the overload. So he had some idiot savant skills like a complete knowledge of the Greek alphabet and Japanese kana at 5 years old, and could accurately calculate the weekday of any given date (without being able to explain how). Also typically, within a year these skills got irretrievably lost... But he has enough other things to make up for it.
His intelligence is like a very sharp tool without a proper handle. In a way he's not bad, it is just that the world around him is clueless how to deal with him. It isn't his fault?
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
 lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

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