I think I mentioned a while back, the plug of my block heater had been drug on the ground and the prongs were pretty shot. So, after seeing Ben Nelson's nice Marineco plug in for his Metro I had to get me one of those. I ebayed one and took some time tonight to install it.
Here we have the patient for tonight.
Here is the damage done.
I wanted to put the plug in an easily accessible location. The hardest part here was finding a relatively flat surface. This place worked out perfectly. A 1-7/8" hole saw and a few seconds and we had this nice hole punched in the bumper cover.
Next, I cut and stripped the heater's wire. Thankfully the ground was marked and was easily identified on the Marineco plug. I also added dielectric (conductive) grease to everything to prevent help prevent corrosion on the plug and leads.
Last but not least was to tuck it in and tighten things down. It just fits in there, but it fits nice.