I got the frame pretty much finished. I will probably have to weld on a some "tabs" to mount the plastic that the tire will push when turning.
So it's on to making the actual covering that will mount to the frame.
I was planning to use fiberglass because I have more experience with it than trying to form metal. And I'm the coroplast looks a bit too "coroplasty" for my tastes.
The plan was to shape the form of the skirt sculpting expanding spray foam over cardboard as the base, then glass it, then get rid of the foam/cardboard base.
Then I got the idea that if I could build a cardboard base fairly close to the shape I wanted, I'd use drywall mud instead of the foam because (1) it's really easy to sand, and (2) I had lousy luck with the spray foam last time I used it.
There's the mudded skirt, coat 1.
Unfortunately, the water content in the mud just caused the cardboard to warp terribly, so I scrapped that idea.
Plan C?