Ha ha ha, I love the vid! oh and nice vanity plates!
Rigging up a heater for the car from the gen would be incredible difficult unless you wanted it to be on all the time (year round).
One way to get around this would be with a T in the exhaust, one way goes to the muffler, the other way goes to a radiator, and then to another muffler. This could then be adjusted with two valves after the T. The radiator could just be 3/4" steal pipe with standard fittings (checked for leaks). Then a 12VDC fan, and you have heat, and it would work faster than a coolant heating systems.
But if I was working on this project I would want to get it fully working first, and then play with these possibility. Getting the exhaust to the right place, so you don't have to drive around with the hatch up would be a good step....
I don't have any great ideas as to where you can find the proper pipe, but I'm sure it's out there....
Placement of the tank and gen is of importance. Did you take out the gas tank when you did the conversion? There is a little space there... If you are a proficient welder/cutter you have a lot of options. If your like me; and don't have access to those tools (and aren't that good at using them anyway), you'll have to work with what you've got.
When placing this you should think about
a major accident. You really need this thing to be mounted well. Also think of crumple zones. If you get rear ended by a large (or average sized) car you trunk will get very small, and anything in it will want to fly into the back of your head, if not properly mounted. I would think the gen could be bolted on with ease, but the tank is a bit harder. It would be safer to keep it on the outside of the car, so it it was to leak or rupture you might not die. But how to mount it on the outside with aerodynamics in mind, it depends on the tanks you end up using.
So back to the propane: Can you give a list of which combination of tank and regs have and haven't worked? There is likely something that can be pulled from that data, or new tests that should be done.