01-24-2020, 08:34 PM
#271 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
It's like many women rasing kids, as women as like Frankenstein doctor. I call it FrankensTina Syndrome. Women who raise kids, boys, with poor values and they became crap man which will s...up with many women when grow-up.
Among the biggest success factors for individuals is if they were raised in a 2-parent family. I don't put all responsibility for behavior on the mother. Father plays a huge role, even if the majority of that role is to keep a roof over the family, keep the lights on, and put food on the table. You can't do that and spend the time required to instill good behavior by yourself.
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01-25-2020, 09:30 AM
#272 (permalink)
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I didn't put all responsability on the mother. But as uncle Jordan would probably say (not that I agree with such model), father works more for provide, for home, and mother works more to take care of kids and teach them morals. As women are more demanded in morals than man, kids see mother example, for morals, as very much important, and many of the problems of scr...w-up husbands are related to problem they had with their mothers and values passed by their mothers.
Again, in society's model, not that I agree much with the model, and despite things changeg in last decades.
A good mother can compensates a bad father, but it's more difficult a good father compensate fore a bad mother, since kids have more connection with mother and specially in very young age.
If a Kid is get bad moral lessons for his own mother, it's a problem. More when get bad morals from his father.
Again, women and men are equaly responsible, but the consequences, in our culture standarts, are worse when women scr...w up than when man scr...w-up.
Male kids try to be wanted by their mothers, as feel more afective need for the mother. If a mother teachs a bad moral (man don't cry, don't be a sissy etc...) the kid will learn that they need to be like that to get the affection of his mother.
Anyway, to help fix society we need that man get better, and not make women as much scr...w-up as man.
If your motorcycle front tire get flat, what do you do? Do you fix it or do you punch the rear tire to get as flat as the front tire?
Sure, women had their toll of particullar problems, many not typical in man. But this is for other discussion...
And usually who puts food on the table is the mother. Fathers puts food on the kitchen cabinet, when he helps to care the packages from supermarket.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Among the biggest success factors for individuals is if they were raised in a 2-parent family. I don't put all responsibility for behavior on the mother. Father plays a huge role, even if the majority of that role is to keep a roof over the family, keep the lights on, and put food on the table. You can't do that and spend the time required to instill good behavior by yourself.
Last edited by All Darc; 01-25-2020 at 09:51 AM..
02-18-2020, 08:11 PM
#273 (permalink)
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Cannibalism in extremist left wing activism.
On Brazil we are in carnival.
A actress, Alessandra Negrini, with some tendencies to some left wings ideas, for women rights, feminsm, ecology, decided to make a homage for brazilian indians, who are in some danger to lose some areas destined for them. So she decided to dress in sort of brazilian indian costumes (headpiece), with indian paint style for skin, and the painting was made by a indian. Se was accompanied here and there by two real female indians, with also indian like dressing and painting.
In other words, her idea was to make a symbolism, call attenton to the problem indians are facing. So she was just being nice, human. A indian leader even thanked her and recognize as beautiful, as a nice gesture, a friendhip, what she did.
Guess what did the radical left wingers, who believe whites can't use turbant (they said it's a exclusive afro accessory) or indian clothes in parties? They started to "ask her head" ask for boycout her, to label her like if she had make some sort of "black face" but against indians. They are trying to destroy her, maker her lose her job.
Look how far came such insanity, when humanism are labeled as hate acts or hate crimes. It's pure insanity....
For other side, now making critics to radical right wingers... Our crazy vulgar president, Jair Bolsonaro, accused a female journalist of try to use sex to get a scoop.
I portuguese a journalist scoop it's called "furo" (hole) and this in street language means "a...s". So he said she was trying to get a scoop, but in portuguese and in the way he said, it's like he was saying she wanted to get something in her "a...s".
There is no proof the journalist did anything like that, and the man who accused lied to autorities in other circunstances, and had no evidence at all the journalist did anything wrong. But many crazy Bolsonaro's followers, inclluding women, are applauding what he said.
Left, right... right leaft... Anyway it's all a piece of garbage in my country.
Last edited by All Darc; 02-18-2020 at 08:36 PM..
02-18-2020, 08:16 PM
#274 (permalink)
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Yep, the far left seems to be eating their own.
I wonder if they will lose their minds when the tribal people start wearing tee shirts and baseball hats, applying the same "cultural appropriation" fake outrage principle.
Some documentary I watched said that there are probably very few isolated tribes left in the world, and that they will probably get absorbed into the larger culture within our lifetimes. The scientist who studies these isolated tribes considered that a good thing because he thought it was good that wealth and associated health and longevity be available to everyone.
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02-18-2020, 08:51 PM
#275 (permalink)
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More extremist than that... only if they try to forbide pizza, unless you are a italian or italian immigrant or son of italians. Cultural appropriation of italian culture... they would say...
And italians took that from romans, who took form somebody else... No culture is pure nad really exclusive.
Jazz, blues... is that forbiten to whites to listen that???
I don't think blues and jazz musician will like this idea...
There were times when the refuse of white people to enjoy black culture was called racism, like if thew whites feeled that black culture was not good enough for them, and the whites who enjoyed the best things of black culture was considered (by rare madure mind people) as advanced people, people able to recognize good thing in many cultures.
There were times when racism was on domain, and the racist people thought blacks could not wear suits, tie, good shoes, as racist people believed these was white culture and blacks would not good enough to use it.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Yep, the far left seems to be eating their own.
I wonder if they will lose their minds when the tribal people start wearing tee shirts and baseball hats, applying the same "cultural appropriation" fake outrage principle.
Some documentary I watched said that there are probably very few isolated tribes left in the world, and that they will probably get absorbed into the larger culture within our lifetimes. The scientist who studies these isolated tribes considered that a good thing because he thought it was good that wealth and associated health and longevity be available to everyone.
02-18-2020, 08:53 PM
#276 (permalink)
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I wonder if they will lose their minds when the tribal people start wearing tee shirts and baseball hats, applying the same "cultural appropriation" fake outrage principle.
The two 'real indian females' are covering their authentic tatoos with a fabric (satin? IDK) and cut that is culturally appropriative.
Then there're those shoes! How dare they.
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02-18-2020, 09:01 PM
#277 (permalink)
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Let's create a way to protest against such fanatism?
What about create a "white face"?
Yeah... ,white face...
When blacks was forbidden to be actors, white people used black make-up to simulate black people on movies.
What about put black people painted as white to feel like whites are allowed to use african costumes?
This would no way be a form to go in defense or racist people , neither a way to accuse blacks, but just a protest against fanatism, this crazy fanatism that make people apart, that split people against each other and even increases racism and ratial hate.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Yep, the far left seems to be eating their own.
I know you are just making some nice humor.
But we need to remamber these true indians (despite not 100% indian dressing) were freindly with the actress and supported her when the fanatic left winger tried to destroy her life.
Originally Posted by freebeard
The two 'real indian females' are covering their authentic tatoos with a fabric (satin? IDK) and cut that is culturally appropriative.
Then there're those shoes! How dare they.
Last edited by All Darc; 02-18-2020 at 09:25 PM..
02-18-2020, 09:40 PM
#278 (permalink)
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I was serious about the shoes. Black Converses are Okay , but that colored pair paired with green satin? Yikes!
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.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
02-18-2020, 10:11 PM
#279 (permalink)
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From my point of view, the accusing of cultural appropriation would only makes sense if one culture use other people's culture and foribidde (or even a less direct way to exclude) the original culture to use it.
Or if one culture use other people's culture to make fun in a malicious way to put down such people or make them look very ridiculous.
Originally Posted by freebeard
I was serious about the shoes. Black Converses are Okay , but that colored pair paired with green satin? Yikes!
Hestia is best girl:
02-19-2020, 01:39 AM
#280 (permalink)
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Of course, the best way to protest is to ignore. They say the thing worse than hatred is indifference. If nobody shows up to "counter" absurd protests, then it's just a small gathering of people wasting their time.
That's what I don't get about countering white supremacists. If nobody came to counter protest, and no news reported on them, those 8 people would just go home and probably stop marching. Confronting them just inspires them to double down on their conviction because they see the confrontation as evidence of the thing they oppose.