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Old 04-29-2018, 05:29 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
Why did you partially translated my text?
The segment of joke would sound strange if you try translate, since it's a comic about leftwing social program of Brazil, a comic applied in relation to a inccident, to criticize the insane and extreme contradictory "morals" of the crap people of my city.
Thanks for asking (...what 'for the lurkers' is all about).

Part 2: Only in [P]ortuguese, [']cause it's nearly impossible to translate and keep the fun and get the politic facts on Brazil in last yea[r]s to [A]mericans understand:
Throwing a wall o' text in Portuguese at Americans doesn't further your goal. You just wanted to curse in the 'safety' of your native tongue. You'd do better to use a spell checker.

It's nice that you've found a forum where you can disparage your neighbors. Your intent is pretty clear, now you can move on to something else. Like stories about red-pilling you neighborhood with educating them about Jordan Peterson and Candace Owens, and the falling dominoes all around the world — like Armenia and North Korea.

CR — What's the story down there about Venezuelan refugees? And what's that big new US government building in Porto Alegre?

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Old 04-29-2018, 05:41 PM   #62 (permalink)
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The text was more for the brazilian co-member cRiPpLe_rOoStEr. I supposed he was the only one to get the jokes, nearly impossible to translate due the polict analogy with our government.

Would you be conserned abou some strong language in chinese, in a USA forum ?
Old 04-29-2018, 06:28 PM   #63 (permalink)
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I suggest Personal Messaging.

My concern isn't about anyone's M'er F'en language, although I try to display decorum. It's more about the intent. It's your thread, I'm just using the opportunity to advocate the JBP Rule #1 'Clean your room'.

Actually, what I got from the story is that you are a vigilante superhero. That's anarchism in my book.

A verbose vigilante superhero, but still....
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
Old 04-29-2018, 06:55 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Decorum in the forum!

I agree with the verbose part. Trust me! I know verbose!

This is logorrhea. Oh no! all over my screen!

Oh. Someone please find a place for this. I need to attempt to revive my brain cells: https://jalopnik.com/tesla-driver-ba...-in-1825622869
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Old 04-29-2018, 07:07 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Uhn ???

Anarchism is people doing whatever they want without concern about consequences. This in the usual speaking, despite in formal polict system classifications refers about freedon of state or nearly that.

Am I a vigilant (opressor) for do not want drug dealers/criminal and drug users using drugs, weed and crack, where children are playing with their parents, in one of he few public places with good things and a bit of nature ??? Is it wrong call cops ?
Citizenship exercise it's a right, and also a positive thing. By the time of the facts, criminal violence in that park had raized, due the potheads (is bad a inappropriate word for pot users?) and crack heads was starting destroying the place. One person was even murdered in a public bathroom there.

I wasn't a hero for most. Most was angry even before because I refused a note (with phone number) a girls wanted to give saying it was from a friend of her. Only a very few (2 or 3) made military continence salute, but they had no uniform, so I wasn't sure.
I supose you didn't got the right translation, unless you were being ironic. If you prefer overtolerant people (tolerant with criminality), and the sort of ones who video car accidents instead of help the victims, well, there are miilions, maybe billions, of people like that today.
And drug users who use in publicx place and deal in public places, put their "get high" above other people security.

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
I suggest Personal Messaging.

Actually, what I got from the story is that you are a vigilante superhero. That's anarchism in my book.

A verbose vigilante superhero, but still....

What if he was sleeping while driving (computer driving) ?? let's supose...

Tesla car, for you who are rich and can see the computer drive your car while you are with hands and feets in the controllers.

Originally Posted by Xist View Post
Oh. Someone please find a place for this. I need to attempt to revive my brain cells: https://jalopnik.com/tesla-driver-ba...-in-1825622869

Last edited by All Darc; 04-29-2018 at 07:52 PM..
Old 04-29-2018, 07:38 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Back to the sexism coming from women, and still inside the context of the story I told. If was a woman victim of hostilization from several people during months, for only refuse a note with phone written, sent by a man, there would be a lot of debate, people on TV compalining about the abuse women suffers etc... and people on web saying that such city was a thaliban.

And the most absurd is that nearly everyone, who listen this history, or don't agree or stay silent, like they thought the people was right and I was wrong, no matter how well I explain and place the arguments and unmask the deap hypocrisy and ignorance of the people involved.
This only make me more sure about the very low value of such people, from this cultural/ethic values in that city. Their ignorance it's like a deep scar in the depths of their brains, since refuses arguments and refuses logic and reason. Monkeys...

I hope you don't mind I used the word "monkey" after all the arguments.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-29-2018 at 09:20 PM..
Old 04-29-2018, 08:48 PM   #67 (permalink)
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There was a comedian in the 1950s who said "Monkeys are crazy people", but DuckDuckGo can't find a reference.

Anarchism is people doing whatever they want without concern about consequences. This in the usual speaking, despite in formal polict system classifications refers about freedon of state or nearly that.
Anarchy is people doing whatever....

Who decides the speaker or the listener?
AUTHOR: Lewis Carroll (1832–98)
QUOTATION: “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
ATTRIBUTION: LEWIS CARROLL (Charles L. Dodgson), Through the Looking-Glass, chapter 6, p. 205 (1934). First published in 1872.

There is a spectrum of thought from anarcho-communism (on the Left) to anarcho-capitalism (on the Right). It is opposed to authoritarianism on the Left or Right.
3 Anarchist schools of thought
3.1 Mutualism
3.2 Social anarchism
3.2.1 Collectivist anarchism
3.2.2 Anarcho-communism
3.2.3 Anarcho-syndicalism
3.3 Individualist anarchism
3.4 Post-classical anarchist schools of thought
I sort of fall in the middle, a Mutualist who believes in borders.

Be careful, Incels are the next outgroup.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
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Old 04-29-2018, 09:38 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Look this video:


A women was victim of attempted theft by a teen boy. But instead of call cops after dominated hin, she beated hin repeatedly, humiliated hin, obliged hin take off clothes and run naked. Unproportional revenge, specially against a teen who didn't looked like violent, indeed he looked weak and scared.
Most people on Brasil would say : "Well done, give this hief a good lesson for he never forget."

Now let's reverve just the genders of the situation. Keep age, social class and even height, and take a teen girl thief and a male guy, and the man beating her repeated after controll the attempted theft, and then force her to get naked in front of cell phonecameras. People would react different, cause it would be a girl thief humiliated by a man, instead of a thief boy humiliarted by a woman.

And also, take this example bellow, and imagine what if man movement did the same thing against a woman who had made a joke about man or about christian man :

Last edited by All Darc; 04-29-2018 at 11:35 PM..
Old 04-29-2018, 11:39 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Monkeys Are Bad People
By: Logan Whitehurst & The Junior Science Club

4Son: Hey, Daddy!

Father: Ha ha, yes son?

Son: I'm hungry.

Father: Well, what would you like to eat, son?

Son: Can I have a banana?

Father: A what?

Son: Um, a banana.

Father: We don't have any bananas, son.

Son: Why not, daddy?

Father: Why not? Well, because bananas are monkey food, and I don't think we need any disgusting, yellow, smushy monkey food in our well lit, sanitized, and bacteria-free home, son, that's why not.

Son: Everything always comes down to monkeys with you, daddy.

Father: So why the sudden interest in bananas, son? You, you have a monkey in your backpack, don't you?

Son: Um...

Father: You found a monkey, and you've been keeping him fed on monkey food, haven't you?

Son: No, I don't have a monkey in my backpack.

Father: Son, need I remind you of the monkey song?

Son: Oh, god!

Father: Come here, son. Have a seat here at the piano with me.

Son: Daddy, I know the monkey song, you-you-you don't need to--. Daddy, please, not the monkey song. I've heard this song so many times.

Father: Son, I'm teaching you a lesson here, a lesson about monkeys.

Son: You're insane.

Monkeys can't be trusted with your business.
They're sneaky and dishonest through and through.
Monkeys can't speak English, so they can't tell the truth.
Monkeys are bad people, and so are you.

Son: Daddy, I'm not a bad person.

Father: Keep eating bananas like that, you will be soon.

Son: Why can't I have a normal dad, like all the other kids?

Add a k to money, you get the word monkey. M-o-n-K-e-y.
Monkey may see, but monkey don't pay his due. No he don't.
The love of evolution has its evil, evil roots.
Monkeys are bad people, and so are you.

Son: I don't understand what I did to deserve this.

Father: This is for your own good, son.

Son: That's what you said about the perm you gave me!

King Kong was a monkey too big to be kept in a zoo.
Which is not a bad thing, 'cause he liked to fling
Thousand pound fistfuls of stinky ol' King Kong poo.

Son: That's really gross, daddy.

Father: Why don't you come on over here and take a solo, son?

Son: I don't think so.

Father: You want your allowance, don't you?

Ooh, that wasn't so good son.

Son: Move over. Move over!

Father: I've got lots of room here. You're shoving. You're...

Son: I'm not shoving!

Father: You're not doing what you're supp... what are you...

Son: I'm doing what...

Father: Are you done yet, son? Move over.

Son: Ah, that was pretty good.

Father: Hey, look out.

Son: AAH!

Think about the future.
What if Charlton Heston was right?
If the monkeys take over, we'll be their slaves
And frankly, the thought keeps me wide awake at night.

Why don't you just let the little monkey out of your backpack so he can scamper away?

Son: I said I don't have a monkey, dad!

Monkeys make amore out in public.
Providing little children with a view.
They're lewd and they're indecent,
and there's nothing we can do.
Monkeys are bad people, monkeys are bad people,
Monkeys are bad people and so are you!

Son, you see why you can't keep the monkey?

Son: There's no monkey in my backpack, see? Look! I don't have a monkey, no monkey!

Father: There's no monkey in your backpack!

Son: I TOLD... I told you I don't have a monkey in there.

Father: Well, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, eh son?

Son: I'm gonna go feed the tiger.

Father: Have fun. Alright, hehe.
Old 04-30-2018, 02:50 AM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
A women was victim of attempted theft by a teen boy. But instead of call cops after dominated hin, she beated hin repeatedly, humiliated hin, obliged hin take off clothes and run naked. Unproportional revenge...
And what's wrong with that? Bet he thinks twice before he tries to rob that woman again :-)

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