04-28-2018, 11:16 AM
#51 (permalink)
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Are you theist or Christian?
The Bible have a lot of nonsense and a lot of unfair punishment. Work saba, for example. I wasn't talk about the simople right X wrong, but about the nonsense
Originally Posted by redpoint5
I don't agree with that interpretation of the Bible either. It's more like when humanity achieved the ability to discern the difference between good and evil, we assumed the consequences of our behavior, and burden of existence. That is to say, following untruth will lead to bad outcomes, but following truth will lead to good. I'll set aside the paradox of free will vs determination, as that is beyond my ability to reason.
You already have a lot of garantees by law. A school can't fire a teacher for be black or be woman. By your logic the boss can hire of not or fire whoever he wish for hhaever reason.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
The bigger problem is that society even pays attention to these nothing stories instead of focusing on things that really matter. We individually pay the price for the attitudes of the society we live in, and there is no way to escape this reality. Legislating that a business must retain an employee is putting a thin veil on the underlying problem. Better to expose the problem than to live on in delusion.
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04-28-2018, 11:51 AM
#52 (permalink)
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Caviar lefts...
They want your money to the poor, not their money. Why they didn't helped the homeless, instead of complain about you gave steak with you dog ?
I have a relative rich who now enjoys PT, but keep all the rich standarts she used to had. I want to see her share her own money...
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
The closest to that happened while I was eating what we know here in Porto Alegre as "a la minuta" (very similar to a PF de boteco from São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro) and sharing some pieces of the beef steak with Vanessa. No surprise some leftie started an attempt to virtue-signalling and to make me feel ashamed for feeding my dog while a homeless dude was begging for money half a block away.
We can never know for sure, since many doctor only have the "science values" while on work, and in personal life are usually as much screw as most people. For me they are populists, follow fashion. Look China, their psychiatric society only last few years changed idea about this theme, and only due international pressure.
The american psychiatry association, in 1974 or so, chganged idea after gays make protests on their doors. On Brazil only in 1994 or so they forbidden "treatment".
I'm antissexual (hetero feelings but no intention to date anyone), or someting, but no specific in any classification, since I have dislike for society, their values, their behavior, their stupidity. I found disgusting, like I was put in a time machine and sent to middle age. Probable due grown in interior city with ignorant people.
Many of these doctors/psychologists think i need treatment, while a idiot who follow a stupid religion and thinks everyone who don't have to burn in hell, is saw as normal by such doctors. Again, a matter of power and society influence, culture.
When a new idea or different concept don't agreen, even if clever and rational, it is saw as freak, and a nonsence and irrational value with many stupidity, when ireach the majoroty of people, are considered a culture of a people and would deserve respect.
If I was gay I would have a whole movement and hypocryt psychologist to protect my ideas. I was hostilized during months, by a lot of people in the city who turn against me cause I refuse a note (bilhetinho) send by a suposed girl by the hands of a friend of her. In this city if a cretin use and dipose women as a piece iof trash, there is no problem, even women don't go after to destroy hin. But it a righ guy refuse a woman... It's like aborigine/primitive native got hostile cause you refused the daughter of the king of the tribe.
And I'm almost sure a lot of left radicals organised things against me, maybe by social media, cause everytime I went to exercise in the park the incident happened, there was people making gesture, and some even shout saying I consiodered myself the most perfect one. A motorcyclist looked like mad to me, while passing by, and shout : "Are you angry, are you angry, are you ? Foll"
The hostile started only two days after I refused the note. Very majoroty was just gstures. And one guy with angry face to me, I saw hin passing by inside UNESP when I went to talk with sociologist to ask why people in the city was so irrational monkeys.
It's the most garbage people on Earth. They prefer that their daughters, sisters, to be sexualy used by cretins, than be rejected. It's like I offended the product.
This only reinforce what I think about society. The irony is that they prooved I was right.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
So you mean dissimulation, not really a change of mind.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-28-2018 at 12:42 PM..
04-28-2018, 12:27 PM
#53 (permalink)
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Part 2: Only in portuguese, cause it's nearly impossible to translate and keep the fun and get the politic facts on Brazil in last yeas to americans understand:
Pensei em protestar de alguma forma contra isso, esse absurdo desse Zé Povinho e desses drogados comunistas universitários. P
Primeiro pensei em enviar uma carta ao prefeito e secretário de turismo da cidade, sugerindo a ele criar uma secretaria do turismo sexual, para facilitar que turistas pudessem vir a cidade saciar a "sede" dessas moças aflitas, e deixar assim as famílias e amigos orgulhosos delas.
Seria um protesto contra a cultura porca da cidade. Mas temi que poderia gerar processo judicial.
Acabei elaborando até 3 projetos " PTistas" para as mulheres "sedentas" da cidade, para que elas fiquem mais calmas e menos malignas.
-Programa social Bolsa Ferro Nelas: Em analogia ao programa Bolsa Família. O governo daria uma ajuda mensal para que essas mulheres e suas checas fiquem felizes, podendo assim pagar por gigolôs para saciarem elas. Se tem pão e circo, porque não pão, ferro e circo, para elas ?
-Programa Mais Ferro Nelas : Analogia ao programa Mais Médicos.
Devido a alta demanda da moças, e a falta de gigolôs suficientes no Brasil para elas, o governo importaria gigolôs asiáticos, pois o povo cubano é feio de doer, para que o mercado tenha profissionais suficientes para atender a demandas dessas moças sedentas. E o intercâmbio entre eles, elas e a família delas, seria ainda produtivo do ponto de vista cultural.
-Programa social Minha Casa Meu Bordel. Analogia ao Minha Casa Minha Vida. Visando expandir o empreendedorismo familiar, o governo daria uma ajuda financeira inicial para que essas moças e suas famílias criarem seu próprio negócio, transformando o lar num pequeno prostíbulo. Assim além de saciar a cede das moças, e deixar a família delas orgulhosas, elas ainda aumentariam a renda familiar e movimentariam a economia local.
Sinceramente, pensei em enviar toda essa zuação a prefeitura, a câmara dos vereadores, só pra ver no que dava. Mas desisti.
Creio que alguns esquerdistas, que provavelmente bolaram a hostilização covarde de alguma forma, tinham raiva também porque eu chamava muito a polícia por causa de maconheiros que estavam quase transformando 2 blocos grandes blocos do numa cracolândia, e num dia eu vi o que parecia um policial aposentado dando uma dura num maconheiro que usava droga na área onde pais levavam filhos pequenos pra brincar em brinquedos e andar de bicicleta numa pista, eu acenei e gritei pra um carro de polícia ir averiguar, afinal o cara tava com uma arma no coldre, assustando o drogado e gritando. Expliquei tudo ao policial, falando que podia ser um colega aposentado deles e tal, e a viatura foi atrás deles.
Depois alguns sujeitos de cara bem séria fizeram continência pra mim no parque ao passar ao lado na calçada, mas não tinham farda e eu não sabia se eram policiais ou gente com raiva insinuando que eu me achava o "guarda do parque". Depois fiquei sabendo que continência era também saudação de militar para civil, e não só de militar pra militar.
Ou seja, drogados, cafajestes, traficantes, adúlteros, putas, funkeiras que rebolam agachadas na calçada... toda essa porcaria é tolerada, mas quem é correto e recusa gente que nem conhece (achei que até podia ser pegadinha), e denuncia bandidos, é mal visto. Conclusão, a maioria do povo desse país tem o governo que merece, a maioria é tão lixo quanto.
irônico que esses esquerdistas dizem ser errado olhar pra bunda de mulher, assoviar de longe, mas tem ódio se um homem rejeita uma mulher de forma direta e seca, apenas recusando uma porcaria de bilhetinho enviado por uma amiga dela. E eu nem sei a cara dessa infeliz que mandou a amiga enviar. Será que eles acham que homem é cãozinho de estimação de mulher, pra comer na mão delas ?
Intrigante é que não só esquerdistas provavelmente, mas também pessoas de direita, e bolsominios, devia ter de tudo, pois provavelmente acharam que eu era gay, pois não aceitam que alguém queira ficar sozinho. Até gente evangélica, aqueles paletós horríveis e cara de tonto, saindo de culto, eu ví fazendo cara feia ou jesto. Um gesto típico as pessoas faziam era colocar a mão no nariz e segurar apertando e erguendo ele, como se quisessem dizer que eu era nariz empinado. Outro era colocar a mão aberta na frente do rosto (gesto que não entendo até hoje), eu via isso direto, todo dia nessa época. Uma coroa fogosa fazia isso, no nariz, toda vez que passava por mim, e engraçado é que antes ela pareceu flertar comigo uma vez, antes de começar a fazer isso. Até idosas eu ví fazendo isso, largando aparelho de academia popular só pra olhar e fazer gesto.
Acho que eu fui o único no Brasil a unir, em ódio contra algo, a esquerda,direita, religiosos, pirua, homens, mulheres, gerações diferentes (como mães, pais, filhos, avós) contra mim. Só um marciano do filme A Guerra dos Mundos, pra fazer outra façanha dessas. 
Last edited by All Darc; 04-28-2018 at 12:50 PM..
04-28-2018, 01:21 PM
#54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
The Bible have a lot of nonsense and a lot of unfair punishment.
The universe is infinitely complex and full of paradox that I'm not able to understand. From the beginning, life is unfair because we're born with different genetic aptitudes and environments. It's unfair that I get to live in an age full of technological advancements, with a standard of living much higher than the wealthiest of kings.
In modern society, we're surrounded by death (every newborn baby is a future corpse) and yet nearly completely insulated from it. This is a problem because we aren't confronted by the reality that the purpose of living is to prepare for death.
My thoughts are abstract on this complex subject, and I cannot answer why life is unfair, but I only know that every person has equal intrinsic value, and that it is wise to to prepare for death, and in the process be given purpose to life.
You already have a lot of garantees by law. A school can't fire a teacher for be black or be woman. By your logic the boss can hire of not or fire whoever he wish for hhaever reason.
It's important to distinguish the rights of the government and the rights of private business. While these are basically the same under the law, in practice it is not, and in my view, should not be the same.
Schools cannot fire a person for superficial reasons not pertaining to performance because they are a government agency. There is no place for superficial discrimination in government.
In my view, private business should have the right to employ whoever they want, for whatever reason they want, not because I endorse discrimination, but because I support the freedom to associate how you will. The government has NO BUSINESS telling me who I must associate with, or what the terms of contract are between me and other mentally fit persons.
Besides all that, our laws are already hypocritical, and we arbitrarily decide when to enforce them. We allow dance clubs to let women in for free, but charge men to enter. This is illegal under US law, but it happens all the time. Strip clubs hire young (ageism) women (sexism) of certain ethnic backgrounds (racism) and discriminate against the others. All of that is illegal under US law. I'm for the right of businesses to discriminate how they see fit, just as I'm for the right to not spend my money at offensive businesses.
Finally, there is true biggitoted discrimination where a person is fired, but told the reason is that they just are no longer needed. Discrimination in that case was disguised by not disclosing the true reason for firing someone. My final argument against the absurd laws concerning discrimination is that you cannot legislate good behavior, because there are always ways around it, and the root of the problem lies in the heart, and not in the law.
I think it was Venezuela who had people starving to death, so a law was created making it illegal to starve to death. Better to expose disgusting attitudes by allowing it to be displayed than to put a thin veil over it and pretend it doesn't exist.
Last edited by redpoint5; 04-28-2018 at 01:28 PM..
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04-28-2018, 02:39 PM
#55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
Caviar lefts...
They want your money to the poor, not their money. Why they didn't helped the homeless, instead of complain about you gave steak with you dog ?
I have a relative rich who now enjoys PT, but keep all the rich standarts she used to had. I want to see her share her own money...
Those champagne-communists seem to be experts in virtue-signalling, even though they have no virtue at all.
04-28-2018, 04:17 PM
#56 (permalink)
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RedPoint, I tried to verify Venezuela making starving illegal. All that I found was that reporting starvation is unlawful--and endless heartache. I made it about halfway through this, but please do not read it, it is horrible: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...-starving.html
04-28-2018, 04:37 PM
#57 (permalink)
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That's way many people on Brazil, afraid something similar happens if left keep on power again, are saying : If the leaf was on charge of adminstration of Sahara desert, in 20 years there will be a shortage of sand.
International authorities and lawyers comissions, are complaining a lot about our judege who put our former president on jail. But this guy (former presidente) coordenate the largest corruption organization in the history of world.
Originally Posted by Xist
RedPoint, I tried to verify Venezuela making starving illegal. All that I found was that reporting starvation is unlawful--and endless heartache. I made it about halfway through this, but please do not read it, it is horrible: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...-starving.html
Last edited by All Darc; 04-28-2018 at 04:48 PM..
04-28-2018, 06:14 PM
#58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist
RedPoint, I tried to verify Venezuela making starving illegal.
Maybe there's something in here:
For the lurkers, here's Permalink #53, via Google Translate and Mac OS Summarize (set to ~30%). ....And expurgated.
I first thought of sending a letter to the city's mayor and secretary of tourism, suggesting he set up a sex tourism office, to make it easier for tourists to come to town to quench the thirst of these afflicted girls, and thus make families and friends proud from them.
...Due to the high demand of the girls, and the lack of enough gigolos in Brazil for them, the government would import Asian gigoloos, because the Cuban people are ugly to hurt, so that the market has enough professionals to meet the demands of these thirsty girls.
...I think some of the leftists, who probably coaxed the cowardly hostility in some way, were angry too because I called the police a lot because of the potboilers who were almost turning two large blocks into a cracolandia, and one day I saw what looked like a police officer retired giving a hard one in a pot that used to drug in the area where parents took small children to play in toys and to ride a bicycle in a lane, I waved and I shouted to a police car to inquire, at last the guy had a gun in the holster, the drugged and screaming.
...Then some very serious guys nodded to me in the park as they passed the sidewalk, but they did not have uniforms, and I did not know if they were cops or angry people implying that I was the "guard of the park."
...In other words, drug addicts, bullies, traffickers, adulterers, *****s, funkeiras that squat on the sidewalk ... all this cr[*]p is tolerated, but who is correct and refuses people who do not even know (I thought it might even be tricky) , is frowned upon.
...ironic that these leftists say it's wrong to look at a woman's ass, whistle from afar, but she hates it if a man rejects a woman directly and dryly, just refusing a f[*]cking note sent by a friend of hers.
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04-29-2018, 11:22 AM
#59 (permalink)
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Why did you partially translated my text?
The segment of joke would sound strange if you try translate, since it's a comic about leftwing social program of Brazil, a comic applied in relation to a inccident, to criticize the insane and extreme contradictory "morals" of the crap people of my city.
Originally Posted by freebeard
[/INDENT]For the lurkers, here's Permalink #53, via Google Translate and Mac OS Summarize (set to ~30%). ....And expurgated.
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04-29-2018, 04:49 PM
#60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist
RedPoint, I tried to verify Venezuela making starving illegal. All that I found was that reporting starvation is unlawful
I purposely misrepresented the facts to highlight the absurdity of trying to legislate away an intractable problem; one which lives in the hearts of people.
"Anti-hate" laws are counterproductive in at least 3 major ways:
1. It compels people who hold bigoted views to secretly conceal them, which insulates them from public reprimand.
2. It's impossible to convict someone of having been motivated by hatred towards a protected class of person since all they have to say is they hate everything about the individual (which is way worse), instead of admitting that they hate the person because they are Klingon.
3. Finally, it discriminates against any other arbitrary class of people not deemed worthy of special protection. This essentially assumes some types of people are weak and incapable of standing up to adversity, while assuming other types of people are stronger.
Anti-hate and compelled speech laws suffer the same problem as "gun free" zones (98% of mass shootings take place in gun free zones) in that the intention of the law is completely undermined by reality.