Drove about 50 miles on the car and other than being out of align it is doing great. I spent most of the day cleaning up my garage, I had no idea I had so much metro junk in there. I could probably build 2 more cars with all that I have in there. That isn't even counting the two metros I have in my yard.
So.... If anyone is looking for some metro stuff come get it! I have a huge pile of junk that needs to go so everyone here gets first crack at it. I really don't have time to pack and ship anything so I guess this is only good for people near WV. My zip code is 25628 for anyone wanting to see how far away I am from them. I will probably keep my spare engines and the one good trans I have is already spoken for but I have I think 4 complete suspensions and maybe 5 interiors as well as a huge pile of body panels and glass. None of the cars have good frames near the control arms but that should not be as big an issue to repair as it used to be with all the pictures and repair descriptions that have been done now.
Other than aligning the car I probably will be taking a break from working on it while I get some other work done. I have to roof a house, paint 2 houses, remodel a kitchen and build a laundry room, refloor a bathroom, and build a porch on one. Should keep me busy for a few weeks I figure. That will also give me time to get a few tanks of gas ran through it and see what I can get out of it stock

before making any additional changes. I will also get together with my buddy with the car scales asap.
And could someone change the name of the thread from starting to finished