Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I just ignore 'em or gradually slow down if they have the option of passing.
I basically ignore them too and slow down as well. I just let off the gas until I'm around 10 miles under the speed limit. Unlike you though (you compassionate soul), I don't care if they can pass or not. They're endangering everyone around them and deserve a little inconvenience inserted into their day.
In my area it seems like most people are somehow programmed into thinking they MUST tailgate the person in front of them. It's very odd to me since it is such a small and somewhat laid back town. THEN, you got farmer brown who never had his truck over 40 going 25 in a 55. Oh, such a temptation to ride FB's rear end but I don't. I try and keep around three car lengths between us, not because it's recommended but because I know how much room it takes me to stop. I also figured out that FB hasn't figured out what blinkers are for either so staying as far away from him as I can get is just plain safe.
If the local police started ticketing tailgaters instead of infringing upon my rights with their seatbelt laws, this county would be much richer.
Maybe tailgating is genetic. lol
I do not alter my speed when hauling my tractor though. It's a huge waste of fuel and most of the time I'm practicing a form of hypermilling while driving it from job to job. They just have to deal with it and most don't tailgate that thing. That tractor bouncing up and down must look pretty scary when your in a car made of tinfoil.