Originally Posted by freebeard
I thought of that but concluded it just moves the problem to the other end of the axles. And that would be less reversible. What's needed is two adapter plates about 4" in diameter.
If you split the batteries between the gas tank location, under the rear seat and the engine compartment the front-rear weight distribution could be preserved.
fair point.
i really like the idea (maybe not for my wife's bug, but in general) of an electric axle to supplement a ICE driven one, or combining the ICE and electric outputs but specifics of the control are a mystery to me. I've done HVAC controls, but PLC is a different animal.
I'm thin on theory too - I mean, ultimately the controller needs to know that i'm trying to accelerate or decelerate and then battery status to know if it has the "room" to push or pull, but the specifics are a complete mystery
i assume that there needs to be safety overrides and the like as well - but in addition to some kind of manual switch i feel like that should be handled by the controller as well, but how? :shrugs: i need to make nice with a university research group or something