Here some tips from the Dutch Suzuki tuning site. I try to translate
- Like already said, look for rust under the car and by the wheels
- Allways look in day light and dry wheater
- Look if you see any color differents (this is mostly a sign of a crashed car rebuild)
- Look at the front and the lights. If you see dot's at the front it's a sign of speeding.
- Look at the pedals. When they wear-out ( dont know if this is the right word). It's a signs that the car is used a lot. Like more that 100.000 km
- Look under the carpet if it's dry
- Use all electric equikment. And test all.
- Look if the engine is cold when you test it. A warm engine is a sign that they started it before you came and is a sign of a coldstarting problem
- Look at the exhaust by a cold start. When it's smoking blue it's a sign of oil leaking.
- Control all liquids.
- Cool water may be colored but there must be no oil in it.
- Look at the engine and treansmission. If you see much oil there could be some leaking.
- Controle the tyres. If they not wear equal there is a problem whit the wheelgeometry or also a sign of a crash.
- Make a test ride and check if you feel any trillings when breaking.
- Try to pull-out whit the 5th gear. When he's going is not blokking there a wear-out coupler.
- Look if the window at the drivers side will close correctly
- While doing test-ride drive some corners and listen if you hear any tikking sound. This is a sign of a (dictonary didn't found that word: homokineet). Here's a pic of what i mean whit Homokineet:
And remember this is for a swift but they almost like the Geo. And also remember i translated it from dutch