After lots of research on an "new" car, I keep coming back to a Metro. However, I know nothing about them. I'm pretty versed in Honda's, Toyota's, old Chevy's, etc, but no Metro! Is there a "buyers guide" that anyone has created? I'm thinking 1996 or newer so I can use a ScanGuage. Here's what I'm after:
Is there a "best" year?
Is there a common problem area? (Transmission, engine, suspension, electrical, etc)
What is the rim/tire size and offset? I ask because I would like to find a nice looking, light weight aftermarket new/used rim. Along the lines of a Honda Civic VX rim.
Do most have A/C?
Was cruise control an option? Not to be petty, but I drive the open highway A LOT for work!
How comfy are the seats after 3-4 hours? Has anyone EASILY (no welding) changed them out for a more comfy seat? Again, I drive 25-30K per year!
Do they have enough power to get up the mountain passes without getting run over?
I want the mpg's, but are there any inexpensive performance mods that don't hurt mileage to much? Cylinder head, exhaust, etc?
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to learn!