Originally Posted by Nevyn
Thanks, that's got a lot of what I wanted to hear in it. it's rare to see temps that low here, but it does happen occasionally. I'd be mounting the compressor in front of the dryer vent, which I figure should help with air temps for it to work against a little bit. My area to heat/cool is ~588 square feet, which is kind of on the line. I'd love to oversize, but I'm also looking to minimize cost.
If it halved my oil bill then it might pay for itself by springtime. That's a MAJOR bargain! I just have to be sure to get one that is inverter powered, correct?
I would make sure it's an Inverter model, and a brand name you've heard of.
I would also download the manuals and be sure the heating mode worked well, when the outdoor temps are low. IIRC, some of the Mini-splits I've seen for sale, don't publish any data below 30 deg F.
Placing the outdoor unit near the dryer vent might be asking for problems,
with little micro fibers of lint building up in the coil.
I looked at the $ price per BTU out on the Sanyo systems and found,
Sanyo Ductless Mini Split Heating and Air Conditioning
that the price per BTU for the 24,200 BTU model ($2111.00) comes in at the best rate,
about 8.723 cents per BTU.. The other sized Sanyo models range from 10 to 15 cents per BTU.
With the free stuff, it's too good of a deal for me to pass up..
FREE FREIGHT to your local FedEx Freight Terminal US Continental deliveries $129.00
FREE 20'-Interconnecting LineSet with UV Protected Wiring $219.00
FREE Service Disconnect Box and Power Whip $56.00
FREE Condenser Mounting Block Risers $37.85
FREE Wall Sleeve and 10' Drain Hose
FREE Warranty,Technical and Installation Support Priceless
Yeah, I'm going to be ordering soon..