11-15-2022, 11:49 AM
#61 (permalink)
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Women don't forgive and forget. They're more sensitive to wrongs because the consequences tend to be worse for them.
I used to wonder why women are always angry at a guy when they break up, and they focus on the bad parts of the relationship rather than weigh it in with the good. It wasn't until recently that I figured it out. When you date a woman and break up with her, you've wasted her most valuable time. You might try to draw some equivalence and say that the man had valuable time wasted as well...
Whether she realizes it consciously or not, she's most valuable in her youth and has a ticking biological clock. A relationship that ends represents her most valuable time wasted because it doesn't factor into her future.
Men don't really have a biological clock as such. They tend to become more attractive as wealth and status accrue, and their reproductive window extends into the future. There is more possibility for them to have a relationship with a much younger woman than for the opposite situation to occur.
Men waste women's time, but women do not waste men's time... money is a whole nother story.
So, don't waste women's time. If it's good, invest into it. If it's bad, leave as soon as you know there is no future in the relationship, and commit to that decision by cutting off all communication. It's not being mean; it's giving back as much of her valuable time as you can. Let her be angry; it's how she'll waste less of her time going forward.
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11-15-2022, 12:20 PM
#62 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist
If I were to quote a book at someone ("Synergetics!") I'd do it in semi-cursive longhand.
How would you do that on-line?
Blender Grease Pencil. One can draw in midair.
https://www.blender.org › features › story-artist
Story Artist — blender.org
Grease Pencil is a particular type of Blender object that allow you to draw in the 3D space. Can be use to make traditional 2D animation, cut-out animation, motion graphics or use it as storyboard tool among other things. Grease Pencil ObjectStructure Grease Pencil object has three main basic components: points, edit lines and strokes. READ MORE
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
11-24-2022, 04:14 PM
#63 (permalink)
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Happy Thanksgiving! I finally reinstalled my oil pan!
I don't remember Friday.
Am I supposed to remember Friday?
Did I mention fixing Mom's car?
I certainly didn't mention fixing Mom's car twice.
The first time she scraped the engine covers on a parking block and busted some fasteners, so I needed to jack up her car and replace those.
The second time somehow the plastic trim that covers the seam between the roof and the door frames stretched and was coming loose. I tried to work it back in, but it was too long.
I just cut off a quarter inch and worked it back in.
Mom's oven wasn't supposed to arrive until next week, but they told her on Friday that it would come on Tuesday, so I called fifteen electricians, all except Mr. Dawn Stratton.
The last one didn't have any reviews, but he was the only one who said he might be able to make time before Thanksgiving.
The oven was supposed to arrive between 9 and 1, but Mom barged in my room waking me up and yelling that they would be here at 8.
The electrician was able to come that afternoon, so while Mom frantically straightened the living room so the electrician, who came and looked at everything on Monday, wouldn't judge her.
They needed access to the crawlspace, so I straightened the garage so they wouldn't judge me.
I also swept and mopped the path.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
Last edited by Xist; 11-24-2022 at 06:22 PM..
11-24-2022, 06:08 PM
#64 (permalink)
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It is more difficult to use the rest of the garage and my Civic dash is in the driveway behind my Accord, but the path looks great!
It turns out that my brass brush was brass-plated steel!
I bought yet another brass brush, which was definitely softer, and that worked well, but there were long strips of gasket where there were components on each side of the mating surfaces.
I needed chopsticks!
Three people recommended them and Walmart.com said they had some in-stock, but they didn't!
I didn't know where else to buy some.
Someone mentioned sanding it to a point. I thought a 1/4" chisel would work, but I didn't see mine.
A 1/2" chisel would have worked. The two bolts are in the middle of the top and bottom.
If you use a wire brush on a mating surface buy 5 or clean them frequently.
How do you clean a wire brush?!
The one I bought was only $1.
I spent $6 on brake cleaner and sponges to remove the oil my brush spread around!
I used skewers, which didn't work well, but they worked eventually.
I really wanted to reinstall the oil pan last night, but I decided to wait until it was barely below freezing.
I wanted to maximize the time the Hondabond is above freezing, but it is supposed to be 15° colder than yesterday.
Hondabond says it doesn't fully cure for 3 days, so my uncle says to give it a week.
He said that when he worked for a GM dealership they had so many problems with Piece of Chevybond they used Chryslerbond.
I ordered an oil pan heater for $70, but when I plugged it in the heater fell off and started burning a towel, so I lowered my car, slid a 1,500w heater as close to the oil pan as I could, but still at least a foot away, and taped that insulation around the front of my car.
I don't know what good it will do, but I am giving it every chance I can!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
12-16-2022, 10:29 AM
#65 (permalink)
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I still haven't fixed anything [cough cough]
Every single day I promise myself that I will put my Accord back together, strain some used motor oil, put strained old oil in my freshly-painted oil pan, and drive it to work to see: - If the oil pan gasket cured properly and
- Where the heck the ATF is leaking!
Well, I haven't seen clients in-person, so I wouldn't have driven enough to warm up the ATF so it can leak.
I have had a cold since last Tuesday. I had a couple of days where I was really slowed down, but I will do one thing, like run to Walmart, and then need a 4-hour nap.
I didn't do anything yesterday and I needed a nap!
It gets dark and I tell myself that I will just use a light to work on it. It gets colder and colder and I think "Whatever! I need to fix this!"
Then it gets super late and I think that it would be easier once the sun is out.
Perhaps I am back on my old sleep schedule again. I went to bed at a decent time and woke up after 5 hours for no apparent reason. I went back to bed, remembered Mom yelling at me to help her order Omaha Steaks for my sister for Christmas, and then my book on tape stopped, so I got up to restart it and order Christmas meat.
That took half an hour for no reason whatsoever and then they didn't send me a receipt in a timely fashion, so I clicked the button to print the receipt, saved to PDF, removed the junk, and told it to print again.
It actually printed, killing two trees according to my sixth-grade teacher.
Well, Mom always insists that she needs physical copies.
I always reply "No you don't! You just hate trees!"
Of course, she always loses the physical copies.
Not only did I waste trees, electricity, and toner, but Dad's old office printer made old man noises after I once again went back to bed.
I felt like I was doing all right until I sneezed.
Somehow I was wide awake after sneezing.
That's it! I'm fixing my car!
I found the tightening diagram I printed off before the ice age and my smallest torque wrench.
Then I noticed a torque wrench in a bucket with random tools.
Right! My 1/4" torque wrench is longer than my 3/8" one!
I grabbed two 10mm sockets, the little extension, and the 10mm ratchet socket.
Hopefully that was enough to tighten, if not torque, all 18 fasteners.
It was 11° outside. I grabbed the old towel, stared at the ice on the driveway below my car, and realized that it says 8.7 foot-pounds, but my wrench uses inch-pounds. In my head I thought it converted to 104, but torque is important, so I wanted to check it.
Then I thought about the idiot next door idling their Dodge.
I have been driving Mom's car because I cleared off the snow when my brother demanded to go to the store when all of us were sick, but yes, the windows are covered in ice.
So, I really need to scrape that before driving to see my clients.
By the way, yes, 104.4 inch-pounds.
I will have the time after my clients?
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
12-16-2022, 07:39 PM
#66 (permalink)
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My dad puts cardboard over the windows to keep them ice free. I park in the garage.
I've got the same cold and it really hit Tuesday also. We might be quantum entangled.
Hope you feel better soon. I feel the last remaining energy draining out.
12-16-2022, 08:49 PM
#67 (permalink)
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Remember Anna Ankana? Youtube personality from back in the day? She put this up a few days ago.
[chuckles to self] My knees and ankles are much better than a decade ago. I've been double-timing in intersection crosswalks.
edit: Apologies. It wasn't age restricted a few days ago.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
12-16-2022, 09:15 PM
#68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard
Remember Anna Ankana? Youtube personality from back in the day?
Nope, that's a new one to me. I never watched "personalities" from back in the day. Still have never seen a pewteepie video in full. They never had much of anything interesting to say or show (people that like Homestar Runner probably like that content). That did make me wonder if MissHannahMinx, known for her enormous... tracts of land, was still making weird videos. Apparently her absence is a mystery.
... I take that back, I just realized I watched a lot of fpsrussia back in the day.
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12-16-2022, 11:43 PM
#69 (permalink)
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Can you get past the age restriction? I don't know (or care) how. I thought it was a better skit than, for instance, Kat Timpf's Debby Downer character.
Respect for using the correct symbol. I have to copypasta in this OS. But it reminds me, I had to scrape windows for five minuntes this morning. The Metro has a lot of glass.
I'll go and throw a mat over it now.
edit: Jokes on me, it frosted up at sunset.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
12-17-2022, 10:46 PM
#70 (permalink)
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I went the entire day without a nap, so that's good! :)
RedPoint, I am sorry you aren't feeling well, and hope that you are back to fighting strength soon.
I don't have any idea who Anna Ankles is, but I will never forget Hannah Minx with the big eyes and the bouncing!
I need to copy and paste in Windows and I insist on using the cent symbol, which I also copy and paste.
I gave myself 5 minutes to scrape the Camry windows, but it took 10.
I gave myself a minute to post here and, uh, I wrote a full page.
I ordered Christmas meat for my sister, pizza for my brother, and then an Ixian Excess phone or something.
I can't wait to start figuring out how to teach Mom how to use her own iPhone.
Everything took far too long and I planned on driving down today to see my girlfriend, but she has a virus, her allergies are acting up, or she has asthma and it is being a problem.
At least I didn't give her a cold!
We video-chatted for a while, but Mom demanded that I got off to take her to Home Depot so she could have my brother buy a new tree.
He set it up and decorated by himself on Monday.
Apparently this tree is inside-outside and somehow part of the power cord came apart and someone put it back together wrong. The prongs only go together one way and then you twist a cap on it, but since it was reversed the cap only tightened enough to hold everything together.
Remove the cap, correct the prongs, tighten the cap properly, and say "Hey! Hey! The lights! I fixed the lights!"
I finally reinstalled that last bolt and torqued all of them. - The diagram is oriented like you have your feet all of the way under the car, not like only the top half of your body is underneath.
- I needed to pick up the paper eighteen times to see which bolt to torque next. I should have invested in "Tape."
- I can't find the QuickValve.
I hear the sun will come out tomorrow, so I am going to look around again, but a replacement plug is $4.50.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4