Hej Magister and all others,
I am working on integrating OBDuino on a ATMega 644 with 2515 CAN controller on board, which is quite fine: I have the Arduino bootloader working, LCD and buttons work.
2515 support, however, seems to have disappeared from the obduino32k code again, or was it never there?
When I check newest code, I only find ELM327 and K-bus support.
I suspect that Magister --- after testing 2515 in December of year 2008 --- seem to have dropped the issue again. Or maybe it just worked for him and he never reported back with code? I can only find posts from December 2008 indicating fine operation.
Magister, can you share your experience and code with me? Anybody else who can?
What would you recommend to me, change the whole thing to elm327 or go on fighting the lonely fight with 2515 (seems there is not much activity on that one anymore).
Best regards,