hey fellas!
I am using ELM327 version.
Testing my obduino I noticed, that it cannot reinit after engine is been turned off...
Actually I dont understand how obduino senses when car is being turned on again.
maybe someone can explain that?
I have the #define SaveTripDataAfterEngineTurnOff part enabled. when I start my engine before obduino is connected to car, everything works fine. I turn off the engine, display says trips saved and backlight goes dim.
when I start the car I can get obduino to work again only by pressing reset or menu button.
another thing, when I turn on ignition and obduino inits before engine is actually started, backlight stays off and obduino wont work untill reset is pressed or menu button is pressed.
I was thinking, what about using one pin and reading ignition on it? like, when pin is high do elm init, when pin is low - save trips.
otherwise this tool is brilliant
any ideas?