Caution: This might be the most redneck thing you've ever seen. But instead of letting rust destroy my vehicle, I decided to paint it on the cheap. Cars driving in the rust belt, upper midwest, inherit some pretty serious cancer growth due to the elements. So, if you're on a budget, don't have much to spend yet want a decent quality paint job, try it. Called the rustoleum roller paint job. Instead of spraying it on, roll it.

yea i know
Supplies you'll need:
1-2 quarts Rustoleum oil based enamel (your choice of color)
Paint thinner, mineral spirits
Foam paint brushes for the tight, hard to reach areas.
Pack of 4 inch foam rollers
Masking tape and paper
Clean up any mess you make, recycle or re use any left over material. Dispose of waste appropriately.