Well, I've been running the Scangauge for a while now and directly attribute it's feedback keeping my right foot in check to my FE gains. It's been installed ala velcro to the top of my rear view mirror for the entire year and luckilly hasn't fallen off once. That's when I came across this on ebay:
The thing is that the "Limited" trim level of my vehicle has this nice overhead console with extra storage and much better interior lighting (selectable for seperate front and rear passengers instead of the "dummy dome" that I currently have). The seller didn't have the factory "brain componentry" that allowed this display to interface with the vehicles computer, but that was fine by me as I had plans to use my Scangauge anyway. I spliced in the new lighting to my trim wires and got them functioning. So, with a little help from my rotary tool and a mini cutoff wheel I carved a fresh opening for the gauge to rest in.
It actually fits very snuggly so there's almost no chance of it falling. Took it for a testdrive and the angle is a bit shallow for my taste, but is still quite clear. Now I have better interior lighting and space for my accessory light switches