I browse Imgur for work.
No, really!
Of course, you shouldn't be surprised, I have a thread about watching "Big Bang Theory" for work.
I find interesting things to discuss with my clients.
I talked about current events with one client and comic books with another.
The second was much more fun and we had significantly more fun during that activity than I did going over the news.
We discuss expected and unexpected behavior, problem-solving, and other topics that meet her goals, plus the videos are fun, I just need to spend a while on Imgur each week to find clips to share.
I had 10-20 GIFs open and I finally went through all of my windows, gathered the URLs, and saved the files to my laptop.
I always have too many tabs open in too many windows.
Apparently I am doing the same thing with YouTube, except I rarely use it for work.
I have 115 YouTube tabs open.
I closed several videos that interested me--after watching them when I needed to do paperwork and go to bed because I need to be up at 0745 to see one client an hour away, but I keep encountering YouTube tabs where, like imgur, I was browsing and just left off where I was.
With Imgur there is always a point where it either stops showing me more posts or it starts showing me posts that I have already seen, so if I actually have the time, it is annoying to not be able to see more posts.
With YouTube I am having increasing difficulty finding interesting videos that I haven't already watched.
A hundred and fifteen videos?
Anyway, at 0130 I found some stopping place with both YouTube and Imgur and was about to get off the computer for real this time when Windows came back to haunt me about a popup that had said they were going to reboot my computer no matter what, they were just giving me the courtesy of choosing whether it rebooted then or within hours.
I hit Esc and it went away, but returned to haunt me at 0130, when I should have been asleep.
All according to plan!
At 0131 my 09 Saturday mom canceled, so I am going to turn off that alarm, and all of this time wasting kind of worked out.
I asked on Imgur how to once and for all defeat Windows' rebooting functions.
One person told me it won't download updates without permission if I set my connection to metered.
Can I still watch tons of videos?
Someone else wrote to tell Windows "shutdown -a" and Google confirmed this will tell Windows to not reboot.
The random imgurian said I could even set up Task Scheduler to schedule the task to shutdown -a.
I am going to close 115 YouTube videos and finally go to bed!