Well, while I'm still working on the smooth clear wheels, I have the lexan laying around. I haven't found a good way to cut a perfect circle 18.5" wide just yet. But, I have found that tin snips work excellent for cutting (roughly) straight lines. So here it is:
I took multiple pictures, and these are the two where it's most visible.
You can also see the block heater plug hanging down beneath the bumper. Might relocate it.
It's 1/4" thick and covering the entire bottom half of the grill. I know the top grill is usually whats recommended, but with this car the fan seemed to run too much while I blocked it.
Just need to round the edges a bit to match up with the curve of the bumper, as right now it sticks out slightly. Probably the only thing obvious in this picture is I wiped the salt off the front bumper before I installed the block itself.