In Texas (
where I live) the law is 750w motor, 20mph top speed, and weighs less than 100lbs. I meet the weight criteria at least

. I passed a few cops on while I was out and nobody seems to care (
i'm not acting like a hooligan).
Relocating the motor controller is on my list of things to do.
Grant-53 & vskid3
My initial estimation of 192 miles range is off, but I'll be able to better calculate the estimated range once I get my new watt meter installed.
7/11 Update
I rode the eBike to work on Wednesday last week. I rode it for 14 miles the weekend prior and I did not charge it after riding. I got 35 miles to work (
with 2 miles to go) and the bike died on me. More specifically the motor controller decided to turn off because the voltage was low. I pulled over immediately and checked the voltage, my multi-meter read (
50.3v). I thought it was kind of weird that the controller would cut me off at 50.3v because 50.3v is above 48v. Maybe there is a setting I can adjust somewhere.
How I have been riding the eBike... Because of the bikes weight (
80lbs) (
and my desire to remain cool when it's 90+ degrees Fahrenheit outside) when starting from a stop I pedal just enough to get my balance then ease in the motor. I don't do any additional pedaling after that.
I really enjoy cruising at 30mph, that feels very natural. On both my 14 mile weekend ride and my 35 mile work ride I was averaging 25-30mph on the flats. The power usage varied from 450w to 650w when cruising at 25-30mph, there are so many factors (
wind, gradient, terrain, etc...)
The biggest problem with my ride to work on Wednesday is the route. There are way too many stops. I reprogrammed my Garmin yesterday to take me on surface streets (
less back roads) with a lot less stop signs.
I need to be more mindful of the throttle, because I found myself using 1000w+ during acceleration at times which obviously kills the batteries range.
I will be riding the bike to work today, Wednesday and Thursday. I'll post my experience with the rides later this week. (
approx 220 miles of riding)