We should go to a European style of licensing. Where it takes two years and about 3k to get a license. The penalties for Drunk driving and moving violations should be stricter. Put their licenses at risk, and the ability to drive and people tend to listen. A small fine is not enough to change anyones driving habits when most people spend more money on their cell phone bills to begin with.
Make it the law that if you crash while distracting yourself while driving that your at fault, even in circumstances where the other driver would normally be at fault. We need to go to major problem of driving while distracted, not just address specific distractions in a piece meal fashion.
A small fine is not enough to change anyones driving habits when most people spend more money on their cell phone bills to begin with.
A small fine is objective if you only make $1667 before taxes a month and get a speeding ticket for $150 that is nearly half a weeks pay. So in that situation paying about 1% of your after tax income as a speeding ticket would make a difference ($20,000yr * .16tax). If the person that gets $150 speeding ticket makes $85,000 a year before taxes gets the ticket it will not be effective for them. Speeding tickets should have a set minimum and increase with income.
As for making it very expensive to drive in the US I doubt that it would work since most areas do not have adequate public transportation or enough employment located by peoples homes to support them. So in doing so it COULD increase unemployment, people on Medicaid, food stamps, and increase the price/funding of public transportation. The last one would not be so bad since increased funding would put more bus lines in trams ect. but if it is not available within walking distance of those with out cars/license it would not be of much use.
__________________ I move at the speed of awesome.
Make it the law that if you crash while distracting yourself while driving that your at fault, even in circumstances where the other driver would normally be at fault. We need to go to major problem of driving while distracted, not just address specific distractions in a piece meal fashion.
How about just making the at-fault person at fault? Unless you're also willing to ban radios, CBs, passengers, food, printed materials, razors, make-up...
How about just making the at-fault person at fault? Unless you're also willing to ban radios, CBs, passengers, food, printed materials, razors, make-up...
how dare you advocate personal responsibility. Don't you know that nanny is suppose to tel you all the things that are bad.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.
A small fine is objective if you only make $1667 before taxes a month and get a speeding ticket for $150 that is nearly half a weeks pay. So in that situation paying about 1% of your after tax income as a speeding ticket would make a difference ($20,000yr * .16tax). If the person that gets $150 speeding ticket makes $85,000 a year before taxes gets the ticket it will not be effective for them. Speeding tickets should have a set minimum and increase with income.
Do what we do here. You get points. Points do not make prizes.
Non serious speeding is 3 points - I have 3, Mrs A has 3. Most people do.
More serious speed = 6.
Dangerous driving 6 to 9 to a ban.
Mobile phoning and just being caught 3 points.
Mobile phoning and being dangerous is 6 to a ban.
If you get 12 points then its game over, your licence is removed and you are walking or on the bus for 12 months or more. DUI is also a ban straight away. This is from the moment you are found guilty - quite a few people forget this and drive to court thinking they can drive home and then surrender their licence.
The points reset after a while, speeding a lower seriousness crimes drop away after 3 years - you gain an extra life If you get your licence back from a ban though your insurance will be a killer.
All of this is on top of fines.
Fines can be large. Even if you have enhanced breasts, which I do not. Mine are natural and due to over indulgence in pies
Katie Price escaped a driving ban yesterday, despite being convicted of not being in control of her 7.5 tonne, £115,000 pink horsebox.
The multi-millionaire ex-glamour model was fined £1,650 and given three penalty points after a court heard two police officers saw her swerving into an outside lane on a dual carriageway while using a mobile phone.
Price, aka Jordan, desperately tried to avoid being convicted as she faces two further outstanding motoring charges and is now just two points away from an automatic, six-month driving ban.
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]