from what i read online it says that fuel would boil at 68 degrees F at 15 inch pounds vacuum i can't find the link any more but thats what gave me the idea and then i found this video on youtube of this guy running a moped off of a jar that he bubbled air through to atomize it so i thought i'd do the same but with the vacuum to atomize the full better at lower temperatures, and the fully atomized air increases the flame front(from what i understand) so then the fuel burns faster and more completly. also i read this paper online that says the temperature of the engine is mostly needed for atomizing of the fuel so i was thinking that by using the coolant to heat the fuel to 180 degrees would allow it to atomize almost completly once injected in the intake and if it causes vapor lock then i'll use a 165 degree t-stat to hopefully fix the overheating of the fuel and the engine should run better at that temperature with the fuel heater???
i did some aba testing at 35mph and heres what i got
A - 45mpg
B - 32mpg
A - 48mpg
so theres my data on the effectiveness of the vacuumed jar
heres the youtube video