...you get horned in an exit lane by a grand'pa driving a brand new prius behind you.
Story : in an exit lane I was keeping a constant speed while people in front of me were doing stop and start. Of course some people used the fluctuating interval in front of me to insert themselves into the exit lane.
At each car going into the exit lane in front of me, the grand'pa was horning and gesticulating. After 3 horns, I took as a point of honor to keep a constant speed as much as possible
Another time in a traffic jam I was also keeping a constant speed while cars in front of me were doing stop and start. This time a grand'ma was behind me but I quickly saw she was unable to keep my constant speed so she was doing stop and start and she was breaking only to avoid me...
Then I started to do stop and start as people in front of me and the grand'ma stayed at a safe distance behind me.