Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
Stay to the right. I walk very fast and just hate it when someone gets in my way on the sidewalk, especially if they see me coming and do nothing about it.
That reminds me: when my friend passed her driving exam I bought her a keychain which read "If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk!"
And for people that drive on the correct side of the road, keep left on the sidewalk! On the main city streets around lunch time, it's like rush-hour, but with traffic going both directions in all lanes.
I would love to see 3 lanes painted on sidewalks (3rd being a shared passing lane), with arrows to encourage people not to walk on the wrong side.
One of the things I hate the most is when people 'bump into each other' and start chatting on the sidewalk, blocking 2/3rds of the walkway. This always seems to happen at the narrowest sections, making getting around them even harder.