Oh, jeez. If I whipped out my driver's table, you'd all be swimming in paper. It can't be eco-friendly, that's for sure.
Frankly, I don't equate tickets to driving ability in many cases. I've gotten alot of tickets that were BS, and I've gotten out of most of them because I can talk nicely and know what to say in most cases. That doesn't mean I was ever a better driver than anyone else, it just means I was smart enough to get out of the tickets, while some other jerk wasn't.
On top of that, though, I did manage a street racing/wreckless driving ticket that had me on the bus for the better part of a year (once I started working in a city, where I wasn't comfortable driving illegally), so I decided I had better slow it down a bit. I still take curves "too fast", allow myself to go over the PSL for stints, and where applicable, just plain speed. (Unposted roads around here are 35-40MPH. I do whatever I feel comfortable at.)
I still occasionally swing rear ends 'round, accelerate like an idiot, and participate in "contests of speed". The only difference is that, now, I don't get caught.
I'm far from being even a "good" hypermiler. I just don't have too many opportunities to really apply the knowledge. On the other hand, I've always known how to drive somewhat efficiently when I wanted to, so that's nothing new for me.