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Old 04-17-2018, 04:57 PM   #91 (permalink)
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I had a music teacher who was of of the founders of political party PT in my city, and he is evangelic (despite make dirty jokes puting hinself on it) and always said gays had no shame on face. I would like to see what he have to say today (10 years latter) with all this pro gay and trans flags in his beloved political party.

The actual ones think this way: Everyone who disagree with them are Hitlers.

I found a year ago I have some few jew blood, since Ferraz, of my second name, came from Zarref (reversed letters order to help scape persecution on Europe). But I presume it's less than or 5%, so jew people would not see me as a jew.
I imagine it' very anoying for a jew be called of nazi. They (comunist) hate jews because jews use to have money and they hate who have money, unless themselves get money. Comunists on Brazil support muslims who treat women and gays as sh...t. They call you nazi but complete ignore the 100x worse sexism of radical muslims.

I'm in favor of gun's just for people with calm feelings and able to use it, trained, otherwise they can kill a innocent or kill for ordinary reason, as in street transit discussion, and our people (Brazil) have a lot of hot head temper.
One problem is that a bandid left no time for reaction on street. You need to take the gun off the holster, unlock, point etc.... And if many people had guns, a bandid could start a fashion of arrive alredy shooting the victim to avoid be shot. I'm in favor of capable people have the right to defend themselves, but it's more difficult than we imagine.
For other side USA laws, selling guns or even automatic guns for everyone, it's the oposite side of insanity. And the ones who advocate it don't even want to heard about controll, like sell just to people capable and psychlogically up to have a gun.

Comunists loved to kill gays, but now they reveresed things to get ellectors. They also love pot heads today. They complete ignore when we said Che Guevara and Stalin killed a lot of these people in their time.

Uiversity teachers who don't follow it try to pretend/dissimulate that believe on it, just to get some respect there in acaddemic or be allowed to some study like for PHD. I know a woman that give lesson on UNESP and when she was working to get a PHD she used to talk a lot to everyone about unjustice for gay and women, despite she gave money to a evangelic priest who said the oposite. She was married to a very rich man.

While feminazis (crazy feminist and not good feminsts from second wave) fight silly thing as a dog urine, many women on Brazil died from abusive husbands.

Try to talk about surgery fro birth controll, for people who alçready have 2 or more kids and can't care even of one, to tese radical people. They think miserable people have right to have 10 kids and the state have to give everything to them.
They also don't accept to do surgery on people who are crack addicted on streets, get pregnant and generating kids that already born addicted and brain damaged.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
And when we stand up and speak against this, we're labelled as Nazis, bigots, fascists, whatever. Once, a teacher affiliated to PSOL told me that I was being homophobe and racist because I support responsible gun ownership for good-willing citizens.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-17-2018 at 05:17 PM..
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Old 04-18-2018, 01:15 PM   #92 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Because it's there.
Doesn't have to be. I've gone my entire adult life without owning a TV set, and watching it only when constrained by politeness, as when visiting friends. And I block video (and audio) on my computers.

Don't you complain about politics you hate ?
The difference is that politics will affect me whether I pay attention to it or not. Nor do I just complain: I try to do what I can to change it.
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Old 04-18-2018, 03:40 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Things became worse in last 15 years instead of became better, for TV paid chanels at least. This deeply revolts me.

TV are full of crap attractions today, worse than ever, but some films or classisc are good, but I have no way to see it anymore, even in medias like DVD ir blu ray, since TV screens are crap now. This also revolts me a lot.

TV also affect your life, maybe not the screen device, but the bad politic of TV stations, the people who comand it and manipulate society.

Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Doesn't have to be. I've gone my entire adult life without owning a TV set, and watching it only when constrained by politeness, as when visiting friends. And I block video (and audio) on my computers.

The difference is that politics will affect me whether I pay attention to it or not. Nor do I just complain: I try to do what I can to change it.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-18-2018 at 04:23 PM..
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Old 04-18-2018, 04:16 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Woody Allen joke:
"The food here is terrible."
"Yes, and the portions are so small."
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
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Old 04-18-2018, 04:25 PM   #95 (permalink)
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Metaphoric speaking, the salad and coffed, at least, are not bad.

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Woody Allen joke:
"The food here is terrible."
"Yes, and the portions are so small."
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Old 04-18-2018, 04:25 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
I imagine it' very anoying for a jew be called of nazi... Comunists on Brazil support muslims who treat women and gays as sh...t. They call you nazi but complete ignore the 100x worse sexism of radical muslims.
Ben Shapiro often talks about this hypocrisy. Have you listened to him speak before?

I'm in favor of gun's just for people with calm feelings and able to use it, trained, otherwise they can kill a innocent or kill for ordinary reason, as in street transit discussion, and our people (Brazil) have a lot of hot head temper.
One problem is that a bandid left no time for reaction on street...
For other side USA laws, selling guns or even automatic guns for everyone, it's the oposite side of insanity. And the ones who advocate it don't even want to heard about controll, like sell just to people capable and psychlogically up to have a gun.
I often point out that police are not first responders, they are last responders. The first responders are those being shot at. The best way to respond to being shot at is to fire back.

That said, your point of sensible gun restrictions is an important discussion; one that is not being debated in the US because media would rather put children on TV who yell vile, uninformed insults at people and groups.

Comunists loved to kill gays, but now they reveresed things to get ellectors. They also love pot heads today. They complete ignore when we said Che Guevara and Stalin killed a lot of these people in their time.
Certainly an example of hypocrisy. However, it's possible to support the good behavior someone has while being against their bad behavior. We're all a mixture of good and bad, and worthy of both praise and criticism from time to time. That said, you'll never see me wearing a Che T-shirt unless it's in jest.

Try to talk about surgery fro birth controll, for people who alçready have 2 or more kids and can't care even of one, to tese radical people. They think miserable people have right to have 10 kids and the state have to give everything to them.
They also don't accept to do surgery on people who are crack addicted on streets, get pregnant and generating kids that already born addicted and brain damaged.
Tough topic right there. At the very least IUD birth control should be made available for free to those who prove to be irresponsible at providing a minimally safe environment for their children.

Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Things became worse in last 15 years instead of became better, for TV paid chanels at least...

TV also affect your life, maybe not the screen device, but the bad politic of TV stations, the people who comand it and manipulate people.
Media has always contained political bias. Mostly for that reason, I don't consume mainstream media. I'd prefer to listen to something informative rather than sensationalized. I'll defend the right of media to continue being horrible, as they are protected by freedom of speech. As long as I have the right to talk sensibly, I'll defend the right of others to speak nonsense.
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Old 04-18-2018, 04:53 PM   #97 (permalink)
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Ben Shapiro have some interesting remarks, but it's just another political flag advocating in the pocket of someone, intead of a bright person searching for the true. He ignores what it's not good for his flag.

Brazil it's the number 1 in the rank of worldwide homicide in general number. In deads per 100.000 habitants it lost to countries in war or sopme african countries only.

It's easier to be shot by a brazilian driver during a discussion than be shot by a drug dealer on England. That's the problem.
If you go to Brazil they will alsmot demant to you spport brazilian soccer team, or to say carnaval it's wonderful. They interpret different opinion almost as reason to discusion of angry discussion.
If you sellect who here is able to carry a gun, who is not stupid to shot for futile reason, they will be few people left. Anyway I think these few people should have right to have a gun.
But what to do if your truck broke and people try to collective loot the load ?

I would like to see the reaction of USA police for such kind of people in a similar incident. Here police just watch. 99% or more of these people are not hungry, but they just thinlk this stealing it's not a stealing just because it's on the road.
USA police would probably shot the first 5 and the rest wouls stand back.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-18-2018 at 09:30 PM..
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Old 04-18-2018, 08:20 PM   #98 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
I would like to see the reaction of USA police for such kind of people in a similar incident. Here pplice just watch. 99% or more of these people are not hungry, but they just thinlk this stealing it's not a stealing just because it's on the road.
USA police would probably shot the first 5 and the rest wouls stand back.
Different cultural values.

In the US, the truck wouldn't need to be guarded in the first place (in most regions). Some regions might need protection since the US is a mixture of different cultures.

People in the US do not view turned over trucks as an opportunity to loot, but an obstacle impeding their driving. The opposite problem would exist where the driver might not get help since people just want to get to their destination.
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Old 04-19-2018, 09:08 AM   #99 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
That said, your point of sensible gun restrictions is an important discussion; one that is not being debated in the US because media would rather put children on TV who yell vile, uninformed insults at people and groups.
My stance on gun control is "use both hands"

When it comes to using brainwashed kids to push for a dictatorial approach on gun control, it's a clear sign that most of the U.S. actually does it the right way. Plus the justice seems to work there, at least not being as slow as it is in Brazil.
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Old 04-19-2018, 11:23 AM   #100 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
My stance on gun control is "use both hands"

When it comes to using brainwashed kids to push for a dictatorial approach on gun control, it's a clear sign that most of the U.S. actually does it the right way. Plus the justice seems to work there, at least not being as slow as it is in Brazil.
Many problems still with our "Justice" system. I call it the legal system, as true justice rarely has anything to do with the law. It's failed me in relatively minor ways before, but I realize it's probably better than most others.

The gun control debate will soon be a moot point; when anyone can print any gun they want for $5.

We'll then be yelling about 3D printer control, which will be a pointless discussion since there is no controlling that technology.

All that said, it's still worth discussing reasonable gun restrictions. It seems to me that people should demonstrate proficient gun handling and pass a written test of best safety practices; similar to how we regulate driving privileges.

I was required to take a 2 day motorcycle training course to be endorsed to ride. It gave me a massive head start on riding skills as well as safe riding practices; practices that I adopted for cage driving, such as looking both ways before crossing through an intersection.

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Last edited by redpoint5; 04-19-2018 at 11:33 AM..
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