I just got my first deer ever this weekend with my crossbow.

My calculations are that it cost about $6 per pound, including buying the crossbow

I've still got a tag left and my wife has her two so maybe by December venison will down to $1.50/lb in natures grocery store if we get lucky!
We cleaned and cut it ourselves and our two dogs got the internals, the spoilage near the entry/exit wounds, and will get all the bones eventually so not to much was wasted. You may argue how unhumane hunting is but it got to be a happy free deer 99.9999% of its life. How many industrially farmed animals get to do that?
Also I have to brag that we didn't buy anything at a grocery store in September except for breakfast cereal(i have an addiction), we had our own chickens, eggs, veggies from the garden, and milk and cheese from Wendy our goat. We still used items like coffee and tea previously bought from a grocery store but we picked apples at a local farm (best deal ever) for $0.35/lb and it took about a 1/2 hour to pick 60lbs without really even trying. Also going to the farmers market took care of everything else.
So anyways, it is possible to not really support industrial agriculture if you want to, for us its really a hobby so the extra time isn't a big deal.