so i got a new computer, and then before i got my pics off my phone it got soaked in water :/ so i have made a lot of progress(but no pics right now), and have a few buddies helping me now.
this is where the project is headed:
im building a smoky yunick inspired intake and exhaust system. (im convinced thats what it takes to get usable power from low octane fuel substitutes, oils, and mixers like ive been describing in this thread) it will involve a draw through turbo, and it will use two heat exhangers (coolant and exhaust) my nice q jet, and water injection. i have a 9.5 gal tank for the water/methanol injection to match my 27 gal of fuel capacity. ontop of water injection i have the coldest set of plugs autolite sells, a wideband O2 sensor, "LilKnock Meter" , and i will be locking out my distributor since ill be seeing boost.
ive been looking at compressor maps, and i have a few turbos im thinking about, i would like to see a max of 10 psi boost, i have been using the compressor maps as they are intended, but im wondering...
since a turbo map has a pressure ratio on the Y axis and a volume/mass flow rate on the X axis, does a
draw through turbo set up cause the pressure ratio to sky rocket? there is a vacuum on the inlet of the turbo so the pressure ratio isnt on the map, right?

i have all my other numbers calculated, i would like to flow between 42 and 50 pounds of air max throttle. thats what the formula says at least. but i cant decide if my pressure ratio numbers are correct since there will be a vacuum on the inlet side of the turbo in this configuration
anyways, thats all thats holding me back from choosing my turbo, i have a bunch of nice copper, aluminium, steel, and stainless steel to fabricate my "experimental smoky yunick inspired fuel system. i also have a whole other 460 efi engine to build this on for the perfect fit, and as soon as i get the rest of my parts i will build it.
i have tested out my stereo, it needs the speaker panels to be coated with bedliner. this bronco BUMPS!
i have a wicked ARB onboard air set up im installing they boast 3cfm at 90 psi, (air tools) my rear bumper will be the air tank and my numbers say 4 gal of air capacity.
im looking for a massive power inverter, i would like to be able to have 30 amp service 120v ac on the truck.
im replacing my spool in my 10.25 rear end with a posi, and adding a traction bar, it already has new tires and bearings and disck brakes.
i bumped my AC condenser and the line broke, so i have looked into how to get a "high performance " air conditioning system. i will be using all new lines and compressor, along with a R134A condenser (for maximum surface area) and the ford red orifice tube (smallest orifice available) this with R12 as the charge should give ice cold air anytime
i have been doing a TON of wiring. the dash is about to go in and final connections will make everything work!
anyways, ill have some pics soon ttyl